You’ve got bat wings if the bottom part of your upper arms hangs down in a fold of loose skin and flesh. You can always search my site by clicking the magnifying glass at the top menu or click “workouts” on the menu to see my latest workouts, too. Gonna start on the bat wing routine, I’ve always wanted nice arms. xo CC, Hi love your workouts I am 53 n never had to work my whole life until Menopause her at about 50 and it’s been going all downhill cents so I’m tired of it and I need to do something about it because no one else will thank you again, If your goal is to lose weight, I’d have to recommend my Total Transformation program. Recovery usually takes about a week. I’m glad you like the workout xoxo. Many women are familiar with the problem of ‘bat wings’. I have tons of leg and butt workouts. DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person’s results may vary. It just hangs there and it seems difficult to get rid of it. I makeover metabolisms to get people happy, healthy, and fit fast. You know, that flabby hammock of skin that can hang down from your arm? Here’s a direct link where you can learn more and sign up if you’re interested. What Shirley sees after waking up from anesthesia is too BIZARRE for words! When you feel the burn do 5 more reps. Then you’re done. This so great! Question… what weight should I be using? I guarantee if you do it right you’ll feel the burn. Lie face up on the floor, with knees bent and together, feet flat on the floor. If you liked this routine, I think you’ll love my free metabolic training and analysis. Is 3lbs enough? If your bat wings are driving you crazy — and it’s a short drive — I’ll bet the thought of liposuction and/or surgery has crossed some of your minds at some time. Your email address will not be published. The drooping underarms aren’t created by fat, but by excess, sagging skin. Bend the arm with the weight and move the lower arm backwards before slowly bringing it back in line with your body. See me demo the lazy girl bat wing workout in the video below. Required fields are marked *. That’s why I came up with my Lazy Girl workouts. You can do the entire workout on your back AND it really works. Well, not anymore! Total Transformation Meal Plan & Workouts, Mind Right, Body Tight® Weight Loss Workouts,,,,, Lazy Girl workouts are perfect for days, when you know you need to workout… but can think of a million better things to do. The 5 exercises in this bat wing workout utilize my lazy girl rep count rule. Pin this Lazy Girl Tricep Workout to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever. Total weight: 1/2 pound? The natural aging process can also cause the skin to lose elasticity, resulting in sagging bat wings. Do you feel lazy or unmotivated? This Lazy Girl Workout targets the triceps or ‘bat wing’ area of the arms and bra strap area of the back. Alternate it with my other lazy girl workouts…. After you complete all five exercises you can take a 40 second rest before starting it all over again. 2? I share my secrets to getting results with the least exercise possible. Your email address will not be published. Darn you, bat wings! . Just let the time complete another 30/10 set before beginning the next round. xo, You’re welcome Suda. Let me know in the comments. But will this help on arms after weight loss surgery lose skin? Use the amount that suits your skill level. These workouts help build lean muscle mass but don’t really do anything for loose skin. Do your upper arms wobble when you wave? Idk what I’m doing here. Set the timer to rest for 10 seconds before you would move onto the next exercise. I have been doing some arm exercises, but now I have more to help me accomplish my goal thank you. You could technically do it from bed if you wanted… (That’s where I practiced it before shooting today’s episode of CCtv.). If you think this workout will help someone else that’s struggling with motivation, please share it to help another “Lazy Girl” get fit and healthy. If this exercise is done properly, it can really burn (the good burn). You’ve got bat wings if the bottom part of your upper arms hangs down in a fold of loose skin and flesh. Hi! And I don't to spam. Awww yay! They were made exactly for this problem and only take three minutes. Then you should give these exercises a try! Haven’t used weights before and don’t want to start with something too heavy for me. If your bat wings are a result of loose skin and fat in the upper arms, a brachioplasty, aka an arm lift, might be a better option. These are some ways to easily get rid of them, Dermatologists: This is how those red ‘moles’ can be removed, With these 5 tips you’ll avoid eating too much food during the holidays, Oops! The 5 exercises in this bat wing workout utilize my lazy girl rep count rule. Some women develop them after losing a lot of weight. You can take it anytime by clicking here:: But sometimes it’s hard for me to get motivated to exercise. I can get you results much faster with food. I love knowing that my workouts help people. New workouts, health hacks, recipes, motivation, exclusive workshops, and more. Here’s a link for you to sign up xo You’ll need to do each exercise until you feel the burn. You go to wave at someone and feel a breeze by your ear -- and it's your bat wings, flapping away. This is perfect. If your triceps make you self-conscious this bat wing workout is perfect for you. Word of caution, if you have an elbow injury and a pain begins to develop from performing this exercise, try to lower the weight or even come back to it another day. If you liked this workout, you’ll love my other Lazy Girl Workouts! Between my brain injury, battle with depression, and spine injury, it can get really hard for me to get motivated to exercise sometimes… And I’m a personal trainer. Once you’re done with one exercise, move quickly on to the next exercise. This keeps your heart rate up so you can burn more calories. I hate my bat wings. My daughter found this for me and I’m looking forward to doing this to get rid of my bat wings!?