The Health Benefits of Granny Smith Apples. It even has magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin-K in small quantities. The benefits of green apples are ample. Because these green apples are have a higher acid content than other apples, they take longer to go brown once you cut into them. As per the new research, we can always say that – eating a green apple a day, will keep old age away! 1. The Amazing Benefits of Green Apples Antioxidants. The Health Benefits Of Green Apples Are : Anti-Aging. They can strengthen your skin, eyes, hair, liver, lungs, and so much more, adding some very healthy nutrients to your body and giving you that extra boost of energy to get through your day or help you in your weight loss journey. Green apples edge out red apples just a little though, with almost thirty benefits of these sweet little healthy treats. Health benefits of green apples are very powerful for a variety of health problems, such as healthy eyes, diet, energy sources, and prevent various harmful diseases with antioxidant content. Compared to common red apples, health benefits of juicing Granny Smith apples are more than you know. Granny Smith apples are a crisp, tart apple that make a delicious snack or a tasteful addition to recipes. Only by doing this will you get the fiber it offers. Here are 8 reasons to start adding a green apple to your daily diet: The Benefits of Green Apples 1. Green Apple can Be Healthy Eyes. The advantage of eating a green apple on an empty stomach is that it gives your body the ability to fight these radicals from the start of the day. Green apples are packed with antioxidants that can help in the generation of new cells and protects the existing cells from damage. Green apples areone of the main sources of flavonoids in Western diets and are rich in vitamin C. These both act as antioxidants and eradicate free radicals which cause damage to your cells.. Green apples have a high fiber content. Some people may simply called Granny Smith apples as green apple because instead of red, the best time to cultivate this apple is when its skin reach light green color and turn yellow when it is overripe. This helps to keep you healthy and regular. The best thing to do is eat a green apple with the skin. The Benefits of Green Apple. A medium-sized apple, along with its peel, is rich in Vitamin-A and potassium, while being low in sugar content and carbohydrates. We’re not talking about apple juice or jellies here. It is high in dietary fiber and contains 125 calories. What Is Granny Smith Apples?