If so, the water in your tank could contain a disease. If not, what would you suggest? Under no circumstances do bettas get on with the following fish: Now you know this specie's basic rules of cohabitation and you know the fish with whom they don't get along with. Thank you very much for the information. I tried to put the female in a cup and let her float around on the surface in his bowl to see if he will perk up and his fen unclamp but it didn’t work. … Guppies:. Color: Pink to Yellow Body with Dark Stripes What female fish can be with a male betta fish and make love? This is an experiment that male Betta fish do get along with other male fish however they eat at different time periods. I read and hear a lot about how many fish are to be kept in a home tank depending on the size of tank. Thanks Eric, and there are many different variations of snails that are okay to live with a betta. I was able to remove the bottom feeders from the bowl and fill the bowl up with distilled water. Bookmarked…. I just didn’t know if I something to control the algae on the tank. African Dwarf Frogs require meaty food such as shrimp and blood worms. Hello, I have a beautiful male betta named Cas who is getting a tank upgrade. A sorority is a community tank of female betta fish with 5 or more members. what do you recommend? Some beginner-friendly live plants you can consider are: If you want to read similar articles to 50+ Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish, we recommend you visit our What you need to know category. Quarantine all new fish in a separate tank for 4-6 weeks. This can make your fish sick. At the other end of the spectrum, some bettas are so calm they could actually be picked on or stressed by other fish. The rule of thumb is 1-gallon per 1-inch of fish. It is better to use tap water because they are better kept in pH acidic water. The idea would be that they breed in the vegetation and the betta (and other fish) would eat them and keep the numbers down. Gender plays a big role in your decision. Fancy guppies are not a good tank mate because of their long fins and coloring. You may have heard that ghost shrimp are fantastic tank mates for betta fish or you might have heard that ghost shrimp are horrible tank mates for betta fish; the topic of keeping shrimp with betta fish in the same tank is regularly discussed with many different possible outcomes. The larger the tank the less the maintenance for water quality. Sometimes sororities are hard to establish if you have particularly aggressive females. If anyone could help me that would be wonderful, thank you! Due diligence must be exercised, however, because of the varying temperaments across the betta splenden species in both males and females. Color: Orange-Red This implies that it will take a bit more work and money to care for them. I’ve been told they need 1/2 a gallon per fish. For a 10-gallon I wouldn’t add any more than 5 adult fish. Obviously, this would not be their only food. The betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a freshwater fish from Southeast Asia. Enjoying the same pH and temperature range, feeder guppies are also very resilient fish. This makes them an ideal Betta tank mate. Tank Size: 5-Gallons or More. Out of necessity, we currently have my daughter’s female Crowntail Betta (Elizabeth) in a 30 gallon planted tank with several blue Platys, a Scissortail, a Dojo Loach, a Clown Loach, a Moonlight Gourami and 2 Bristlenose Plecos. As Bryan said most barbs are aggressive, but these seem to be the exception. Bryan. I would also look into getting an adjustable flow filter where you can slow it down. I am intrigued by the marimo moss balls and Mystery snails. Betta fish are known for their ability to be very aggressive. You could see if where you purchased the tetras if you can return them in exchange for a different type of tank mate, or try adding more than 3 tetras and see how they fair again with a very close examination before you make a final decision. I am going to get a mystery snail but wanted other tank mates. But, my Betta will sometimes nip at my oto. I have a betta in my 20 gallons long. Thanks so much for the advice. Listed below are each of the fish companions that can live with bettas along with some specific information about the species itself. Snails like to hide and can create a big mess too in smaller tanks. Mystery snails are plant-safe and do well with bettas because of their docile nature. Other loaches, such as the clown loach* can grow over a foot so make sure to avoid this variant! Best tank mates for betta fish in 3 Gallon tank … Thank you for your time, I really appreciate all the information here. For now, I would recommend separating the two females instead of placing another tank mate in there. Monitor your community tank for at least 3 days after introducing new fish. They make fantastic betta fish companions. What exactly do I need for the water? These translucent critters are really fun to watch, love moss balls and other live plants and help keep your tank clean. They are easy to care for and enjoy the same water conditions as bettas. Please answer soon as possible. That wont stop them from laying eggs all over everything. Yes, you need to purchase each specific fish’s food, and no it won’t make your betta sick. Since your tank is 10 gallons, why not divide the tank in half with a tank divider? 10. I won’t get into the further implications or opinions I have on some of the ways that pet stores care for animals or fish, but while you see a lot of fish in one tank, you also aren’t being told how many are sickly, dying per week or stressed out. The Clown Pleco is the dwarf member of the species making it a suitable tank mate at a maximum length of around 4 inches. I was chastised for keeping a sorority recently after asking for advice on treating fin rot. With its bright red face, this fish is one … If I have a 10 gallon tank (oval shaped) can I accommodate 1 Betta, a snail and 2 ghost shrimp? Level: Beginner-Medium* With only 2 females, one will continue to pick on and dominate the other until they eventually cause significant damage or kill them. I don’t want to overcrowd the tank, and I have only worked with 1-2 gallons before, so I don’t really want to mess this up. 2. The tank is a 10 gallon. If you’re lucky you’ll even witness them shed their skin, (every 1-2 weeks) which is a speedy process that ends with the frog eating it. I have a female beta too with two neon tetras in a separate 2 gallon tank with filter. Most aquarists enjoy having them in their tank because not only are they peaceful and enjoyable to watch, but they also help keeping the tank clean. He is in a 10 gallon tank with three bottom feeders. The 9 gallon could house a betta and some other tank mates like feeder guppies or a snail. I had recently gotten 4 females. Color: Neon Silver-Blue with a Red Neon Stripe My tank environment is setup for both of them, with the left side (where filter is) being deep for the Betta while the right side gravel slopes up to create shallower water (it’s about 4″ from gravel to water surface) along with a rock formation/cave-type thing I made to stick up halfway above the water for the Fiddler to dry out on. Despite advising betta fish owners to avoid tank mates with bright colors, the neon tetra can do well with betta fish because of their speed. The other places I would ask would give me information but everything they would suggest was way too expensive and I’m on a tight budget. The plan would be to get a male betta, some panda cory, coolie loaches and some sort of suitable schooling fish. Tank Size: 10-Gallons or More. Rummy Nose Tetra. Platies should be fine, but just a reminder that all situations are unique and so are the personalities of bettas. This may include lack of appetite, visible wounds (e.g. You’ll get more enjoyment out of them too, as they are a vibrant green. Level: Beginner Or do they nip the tails? Are snails able to produce offspring all on their own or is that only certain types of snails? In short, yes they can, but be prepared to monitor closely how they react together. Dwarf frogs can grow up to 2.5 inches in length and live on average 5 years. This will give them plenty of space for necessary activity. Everything in a pet store should be considered temporary housing until it finds a good home. If you're going to have three or four fish together, a tank of 10 - 15 gallons will suffice. Sand substrate is fine. You’d be best suited adding a diversity of bottom, mid-level and surface dwellers in order to provide ample space for each to live a quality life. Benefits of Live Plants in a Home Aquarium. Misty. Zebra danios are a shoaling fish meaning they do best in groups of 5 or 6 or more, and are very active and top feeders like bettas. (2014). Tank Size: 10-Gallons or … Hey ive had a male beta fish for about two months. I have a male Crowntail Betta and a male Gold Claw Fiddler living harmoniously in a 5 gallon filtered tank for over 7 months now. If yours is very aggressive with its reflection and food etc then I wouldn’t risk it.