I'm assuming you know how to do this if not, then you need to read a lot. Since this exercise is following one-arm rows perform 1 warm-up set of 10-12 reps then a drop-set with 4-5 different weights. Disadvantage; The only disadvantage is the cost, as you … 4-Week Bodybuilding Plan The ONLY Dumbbell Workout Program You Need! Now you can grab some heavier DBs and do 3-4 sets in the 6-8 rep range (be careful and do not over do it with this exercise, do not go to failure). Sign up on the Bodybuilding.com forums for your chance to win free supplements! I believe that using dumbbells opposed to barbell exercises could actually be more beneficial to individual muscle growth. This is important to getting the muscular arms so many are wanting. In a world of caramel, white mocha, chocolate chip frappucinos with 2 extra … For example if you're doing squats or bench press with a regular barbell, then you would need a spotter. Do you think you would lose a lot of benefit using an all dumbbell workout, or do you think it could actually make a positive impact on results? Do 2 sets of 15-20 each side with a weight you could twice as many then do 1 set at about double that weight for 8-10 reps each way (start light and quit or drop the weight if you feel an uncomfortable soreness). 10 4. Hold a dumbbell and perform with one leg. These provide a full range of motion for your shoulders (If you prefer them to the military style DB press then do these instead). Great compound movement that hits the upper traps. 2 sets of 10-12 reps and 1 set to failure should be good but if you find this too easy then elevate your feet on the bench. Remember there are probably some I miss so don't be afraid to use them. Change your rep range to stop getting a plateau. One thing to keep in mind is to work the main muscle rather than the surrounding ones. with in-depth instructional videos. Ultimate dumbbell back builder. Dumbbell Squat There are a few benefits to using dumbbells though. Putting a dumbbell here will make it harder. There are basically three or maybe even just two exercises you should always do to ensure your hamstrings are developed fully. You will be sorry if you over do these so try to stick to lighter weights than what you think you can handle unless you have done these before. That should do it for the best dumbbell workout; how you choose to do it is something you can decide. Perform 1 warm-up set with just your body weight for 10-15 reps next set grab some light DBs and do 8-10 reps, grab 5-10 lbs heavier and do another 8-10. Your lower traps can't be isolated, so now you're wondering how do they get worked. Straight forward, isn't easy to do or hard to do. You've probably never heard this but you lie on an incline bench with your chest on the bench. Dumbbells also let you train your muscles through a larger range of motion—pressing with a barbell cuts you off a few inches short—and they correct strength imbalances between sides. Workout Description 1. Also there isn't much choice when it comes to just dumbbell back exercises so it's really something out of your control. It's hard to explain this one so here's a website that does explain it. This is another great exercise since it works all three heads of the tricep. Then you curl up and out so that at the finish position your arms are diagonal of the front of your body. Great for isolating the biceps well, especially if you tend to cheat and use your back. There are no machines or barbells or power racks which are so useful when training the legs. View our enormous library of workout photos and see exactly how each exercise Use slow controlled movements and squeeze at the top while keeping your elbows to your sides. These are compound movements that work the hamstrings and quads as well as a bunch of different muscle groups. This is kind of like the biceps, if you only work your upper pectorals, then it won't be as easy to tell something is wrong with your pectorals but it will still be noticeable. An exercise for the lower abs which is similar to the exercise above but harder. Place opposite of curl hand on bench for balance. If you want to concentrate on a body part with dumbbells it's a lot harder since you have to concentrate on stabilizing the weight. Now that you read all that stuff above you probably want to know some exercises to put in a workout. The reason being is that they are muscle building exercises. I would recommend 2 sets with different weight both till failure. © 2020 Bodybuilding.com. Here are the different parts of each body part that are relevant (by this I mean they are worth worrying about. Your palms should always face in when performing this exercise. There are many overlooked things in bodybuilding, the facts about dumbbells is one of them. They hit all three heads of the tricep and it is a compound movement. Remember this weight and after you do a few other leg workouts come back and do 1 set of 6-8 and then a drop-set from this weight down. With dumbbells you can put them to your side and even change your grip in motion which provides a greater range of exercises. more exercises, + You can perform DB wrist curls if you'd like but these should give you a forearm pump. An amazing compound exercise for the pectorals. This might also be a problem with other people too. Seated dumbbell … The same thing goes with a workout schedule; it's never a really good one unless it incorporates exercises with dumbbells into it. This is another exercise that isolates the calves. However, don't get scared and try to hit every single part of a body part. This will make it so you don't plateau because your muscles get used to your workout too much. Can also be done one arm at a time or on your knee. This is a hard one to do, because a lot of machines isolate groups of back muscles. Hold a light dumbbell between your legs and you will be surprised how hard it is. 16 Workouts. Add one warm-up set and two sets in the 6-8 rep range for both incline and decline after performing flat bench sets). Make sure not to take to short or to long of steps either, watch your form and this exercise should be a good overall leg workout (for me personally I feel them in my glutes more than my quads). 3 Use a smooth and controlled motion with these and do not swing your arms up with momentum (will possibly cause injury and won't help your shoulders). Start with body weight and try 10 with feet forward, 10 facing outward, and 10 facing inward. Doing it with a wider stance with feet pointing diagonally will work more of the inner quads. For this one which is usually done with a barbell, take a dumbbell and hold it close to your chest. The best way to isolate the lateral deltoids. Biceps are easy to work with curls of any kind but some hit different parts of the bicep depending on form. These should really hit all the heads of your triceps; it seems as if someone took the movement of a great triceps pose and turned it into an exercise or vice versa. Many variations, sitting standing, on an incline bench, lying chest down on a bench and using one dumbbell. Prizes: 1st place - 75 in store credit. For example on the dumbbell bench press, you have to balance each dumbbell instead of using a barbell where you just have to concentrate on balancing one thing. Make sure you keep your elbows, upper arms and shoulders from moving, only your forearms should move. When you attempt this workout, make sure you find your weight to rep range first. BodyFit is your solution to all things fitness. Start this exercise with a light weight (I start with 20's) and do at least 20 reps. Can be done with dumbbells although it's harder without a barbell. This is another exercise that isolates the rear deltoids. Squats work mostly the quads, glutes, hamstrings and a bit of the calves. Note: Should have tapped into a forearm workout with the biceps workout, especially if you did the reverse curls. Already have a Bodybuilding account with BodyFit? 3 This is important since it is hard to do back exercises with just dumbbells. Mainly focus on using your chest when performing this exercise and if you prefer, try gripping the DBs with palms facing inwards (Hammer Dumbbell Bench Press - for me this isolates the chest more). When you get to the top of this exercise really try to squeeze your chest. Holding a dumbbell between your legs will make it harder. Note: When performing any shoulder exercise I strongly caution you to start with a light weight to avoid injury (If you hurt your shoulder you most likely won't be performing many upper body workouts for some time). I don't know if that's the correct name but I will try to explain how to do them anyway. Note: Always keep you're upper arms and shoulders still, the only movement that should occur when exercising the triceps is in the elbow moving the forearm up and down or back and forth if you really want to isolate this muscle and get a good tricep workout. You can't do this when you're using barbells or machines.