Will readily fly to another branch if disturbed. Sexes are similar. Description: The facial disc is brown, with many narrow whitish radially orientated streaks. Habitat: In the west of its range, they are found in forest, well-wooded country and groves of trees, particularly around water and Habits: The Brown Hawk Owl is a Crepuscular and nocturnal bird. Will readily fly to another branch if disturbed. (function() { The call is a repeated low soft, musical oo-uk …ooo-uk… which may be heard at dusk and dawn. } 1822. There is some variation throughout its range. This owl is quite common in towns and cities like Colombo, Sri Lanka as well as suburban areas close to buildings. tall trees. The eyes are large and yellow. The brown hawk-owl (Ninox scutulata), also known as the brown boobook, is an owl which is a resident breeder in south Asia from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal east to western Indonesia and south China. Nest holes They are not normally active before dusk, but may sometimes move about during the daytime in cloudy weather. ", Owls of the world: their evolution, structure and ecology (Rev. Do you want entertaining owl stuff directly to your inbox? listeners: [], Sings from a branch high up in the top of a tree, usually the same location each night. The second note is a higher pitch and there is no audible gap between the two. In southeast Asia, occurs exclusively in primary lowland rainforest, far from human habitation. Nonbreeding Range: Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas. Adoptions say; I care about the future of owls! bordering forest streams or watercourses, and often close to human habitation. The AOS (American Ornithological Society – formerly AOU) has listed “Northern Boobook” o… ), Owls: A Guide to the Owls of the World (Second Edition), Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide (Second Edition). Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (Trans. Eastern variation: Two or Three short, mellow, hollow woop notes at the same pitch with an short audible gap between the notes. Malay Name: Pungguk Betemak. Distribution: South Asia from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal east to western Indonesia and south China. The brown hawk-owl is a resident breeder in most of tropical south Asia from the Middle East to south China. Chinese Name: 鹰鸮. These couplets, or triplets, are uttered in a series with short pauses between them. Males tend to be Habits: The Brown Hawk Owl is a Crepuscular and nocturnal bird. The brown hawk-owl (Ninox scutulata), also known as the brown boobook, is an owl which is a resident breeder in south Asia from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal east to western Indonesia and south China. Taxonomy: Polytypic. Brown Hawk Owl is found across much of Southern Asia. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Page by Deane Lewis. Crown and Flight is with rapid wingbeats and glides. whoowup whoowup. It is also known as the Oriental Hawk Owl or the Brown Boobook. Considerable variation throughout its range. 2020. } The Brown Hawk Owl is a dark brown, medium sized hawk-like owl with a round head and no ear-tufts. mice and occasionally small insectivorous bats or crabs. The female alone incubates the eggs, while the male provides her with food. Despite this, there are conspicuous size differences among the brood of chicks. } They hunt at dusk using a perch on a tree stump or post to look for prey. sometimes move about during the daytime in cloudy weather. larger than females. Size: Length 27-33cm. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Wing length 145-233mm. Soc. Owl Research Institute‘s Adopt-an-Owl program ensures that your charitable gift goes right where you want it – to research and conservation efforts around the species of your choice. dark area around them. Sings from a branch high up in the top of a tree, … are often used in successive years by the same pair. Tarsi are feathered and toes are sparsely bristled or bare and coloured yellowish-green. quiet rolling, protracted kerrrr similar to a cat purring, and a cat-like meew. Linn. on: function(evt, cb) { Western variation: A hollow mellow double note lasting about 0.5 seconds with a rising inflection and emphasis on the second syllable - several distant birds will answer one another from different directions, sometimes resulting in choruses with birds in neighbouring territories. See also: Other owls from Asia, Voice: A pleasant, almost musical song that is not loud, but carries far. They have been observed This species is a part of the larger grouping of owls known as typical owls, Strigidae, which Brown hawk-owls couple, Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Hunting & Food: The Brown Hawk Owl feeds mainly on large insects such as beetles and grasshoppers, but also frogs, lizards, small birds, jumping up to take a passing insects in the claws, and hawking insects in the air like a nightjar. Brown hawk-owl at Samsing in Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India. It feeds mainly on large insects, frogs, lizards, small birds, and mice. Join now! The eyes are bright yellow and have a narrow nape are chocolate-brown, indistinctly streaked ochre. The back, mantle and wing-coverts are a uniform chocolate-brown. This double note is uttered at intervals of about 0.6 to 0.9 seconds in runs of 6 to 20 couplets. Ed. Usually lays only 2 eggs that are are white, roundish and average 36x31mm. } Brown Hawk Owls are also associated with human habitations and may even breed in urban areas that contain well-wooded areas with event : evt, Status: Listed as 'Least Concern' by Birdlife International. There is a white spot on the forehead. Incubation lasts 25 or more days, and starts with the third egg, suggesting Scientific Name: Ninox scutulata. forms: { London) (1) 13: p. 280. You’ll be helping to protect these owls and the habitat they depend on. Original Description: Raffles, T. Stamford. The other grouping is the barn owls, Tytonidae. callback: cb They are not normally active before dusk, but may ); It is a long-distance migrant where there happens to be one live and one deceased record on the Aleutian Islands of North America. The brown hawk-owl is a medium-sized (32 cm) owl with a hawk-like shape due to its long tail and lack of a distinct facial disk. Last updated 2020-10-16. International Ornithological Congress. This species is a part of the larger grouping of owls known as typical owls, Strigidae, which contains most species of owl. vocal during the breeding season, and can sing almost continuously for hours, especially on moonlit nights. })(); We are a small parliament of owl lovers who are guided by our joy and fascination as we continue adding to the nest that we call My Inner Owl. The upperparts are dark brown, with a barred tail. Nests are 5-20m above the ground in large irregular holes or hollow trees, with the hole being around 30-80cm deep and having a diameter of 20-30cm. Underparts are whitish, with large drop-shaped rufous-brown streaks, becoming broad chevrons on the flanks. rather long, and dark brown with a whitish tip, and is banded with broad, pale greyish-brown bars. Primaries and secondaries are also chocolate-brown, inconspicuously barred ochre. Breeding: Breeding season is May-July in north India, and March-April in Sumatra. shady branch, often one thickly smothered with creepers. They will roost during the day, singly or in pairs, in the seclusion of a shady branch, often one thickly smothered with creepers. The cere is dull green or greenish-brown, and the bill is bluish-black with a paler tip. Eggs are laid in a layer of natural debris at the bottom of the hole. The tail is barred. Range: Breeding Range: (OR, EU) e Asia through Orient. They will roost during the day, singly or in pairs, in the seclusion of a They are also reported to nest on the ground in woodpiles and rockeries, and in nestboxes. The underparts are whitish with reddish-brown streaking, although the subspecies found in the Andaman Islands has dark brown underparts. It lays three to five eggs in a tree hole. The tail is synchronous hatching within the last 2 days of the incubation period. Its habitat is well-wooded country and forest. The Brown Hawk Owl is very Fledglings leave the nest hole 24-27 days after hatching, and are fed by both parents. Other vocalisations described include a sharp, nasal, shrill heeoo, a Tail length Weight 170-230g. We have covered this species here since our hopes are that the next confused owl will migrate back south along the wrong coast and end up in California. Male and female will join in irregular duets, or This species is very nocturnal but it can often be located by the small birds that mob it while it is roosting in a tree. There are two records of the brown hawk-owl in the western hemisphere: an individual photographed on St. Paul Island, Alaska, on August 27, 2007, and a dead owl found on Kiska Island in 2008. Brown Hawk-Owl. Genus: Ninox. {