Your email address will not be published. Some characteristics, such as the shape of your hairline or whether your earlobes are attached or detached, are inherited. They can be biological or otherwise. At the outset it is important to explain the sense in which the term “family” is used. They share the pleasure and pain, burdens and difficulties together and discharge their duties and responsibilities with a united spirit. 3. Having a sense of commitment and a belief towards facilitating the overall family growth and well-being of every members in the family. Home are easily broken when the feeling of trust is no more. Having the potential to manage problems from series of unpredictable life challenges and meeting up with options which turns out to be positive. Content Guidelines Besides the general characteristics, a family possesses the following distinctive features which distinguish it from all other groups or association. Do you wonder what characteristics make healthy families? These are simple guides to learn and improve to having a healthier and most ideal family. Each family has distinctive customs, traditions, mores, norms and culture. The emotions and sentiments of love, affection, sympathy, cooperation, friendship etc. b) Diseases: The study of family traits has helped in the understanding of some genetic diseases like albinism, sickle cell anaemia, colour blindness, etc. It is the center of all human activities. He never lives alone. In fact the members of a family have unlimited responsibilities and they make sacrifices for their families throughout their lives. MacIver has rightly pointed out that, ‘In times of crisis men may work and fight and die for the country, but they toil for their families all their lives”. Showing concern to the other feelings. Required fields are marked *. A family trait is a genetic likeness that is passed through parents' genes to their children. Sincere appreciation is frequently expressed. Showing gratitude for the large and every little things done to encourage each other to … They might not come easily as they would have were they taught to you as a child, but with practice they can become a regular part of your family life. All the members of the family more or less share with each other. Relationship Needs : They refer to socialization, to love and to feel loved and accepted by others, to communication. Some traits are easily recognized as pieces of our DNA. In other words, they have a deep sense of obligation to the family as a whole. 4. Every family has an economic provision to satisfy the economic needs of its members. Appreciation. 9) Limited size: In Roman law, the word denoted the group of producers and slaves and other servants as well as members connected by common descent or marriage. 3) A system of nomenclature and reckoning descent: Each family is identified by a distinct nomenclature of its own. Nevertheless, these imperfections does not totally translate that every family is not entitled to live a happy and good life. You want to be able to stabilize your anger in time of discomfort in order to preach peace. a) Intelligence: Intelligent parents usually give birth to intelligent children.This trait (character) seems to be continuous in most family generations. As different definitions of the concept of family have been proposed, different perceptions exist with respect to their functions. In some cases, dysfunctional families can be the result of addiction, codependency, or untreated mental illness. Alleles for the straight thumb and the bent pinky are dominant, while those for the bent thumb and the straight pinky are recessive. Here we explain your features in detail. The social structure is built around it. In different societies the descent is traced differently. Every family has its own customs, traditions rules and regulations. Other recessive traits include nearsighted vision, red hair, blond hair, thin lips and attached earlobes. That is why it is said that it is easy to establish a family but it is difficult to break or dissolve it. How much you are able to push and motivate the other to be persistent in doing the right thing. Some of the important characteristics of family system are as follows: Famous Greek Philosopher Aristotle opines that Man is a social animal. Showing the willingness to listen when they have something to say creates a feeling of love and not being neglected. Disclaimer The foster family could be described as a temporary adoption case . The characteristics of a good family are enormous hence, every family consists of one or more imperfect people with questionable behaviour which comes with the fact that no matter how real they appear, we are never going to find a perfect family. Usually, it is the look out of the head of the family who tries to make all possible arrangement to provide economic comfort to his family members. Our mission is to liberate knowledge. The word “family” has been taken over from the Roman word, “famulus”, meaning a servant. These are Some of the Most Common Dysfunctional Family Characteristics: Abuse; Source: ADVERTISEMENTS: (i) Family is “a group … Some people have hair on the mid-digit of their fingers. Common family problems may arise to challenge the family strengths in times when solutions are not so feasible. Next time you go to a movie, exit the dark theater through a door that leads directly outside. They allow people outside of their immediate family to help in times of need and are willing to get help outside of the family unit. Green eyes and blue eyes are considered recessive traits, so a child with one blue-eyed parent and one green-eyed parent can have either eye color. All the articles you read in this site are contributed by users like you, with a single vision to liberate knowledge. The members of the family are known by the nomenclature or by a distinctive name. Showing gratitude for the large and every little things done to encourage each other to do more. It is the social institution which helps to establish mating relationship and thereby family is formed. Needs to be : They are nothing more than the sens… Genetic disorders are also traits that can be passed from a parent to a child. Thus, family exercises most profound influence on its members. Privacy Policy You may not believe family harmony is possible. In matrilineal society it is traced from mother and in patrilineal society it is from father. All the members of the family are emotionally interwoven with one another. Each family has a common home in which all the members can live together. Your email address will not be published. Making their worries your priority as you proved solutions. These rules are not supposed to be coercive in nature but are meant to be respected. Importance of Family Traits. As an important agent of socialization the family teaches the norms and family culture to its members. Family is based on emotional ties. The mother of them all. Most specific traits are passed directly from one parent.