You can translate the simple superlative into English as "a most", "a very", or "an extremely". There are three degrees of comparison in Russian: positive, comparative and superlative. The formation of the compound superlative is uncomplicated. A few superlatives are formed irregularly: хороший:лучший;плохой: худший; маленький: меньший. Most adjectives form the simple superlative by means of the suffix -ейш- added to the stem of the adjective, and the endings -ий/-ая/-ое/-ые. The suffix -ок is dropped but -кий is not. The superlative degree indicates that someone or something has the quality of the adjective to a degree greater than that of anything it is being compared to. Some adjectives form the simple superlative irregularly: The simple superlative form of adjective declines similarly to the long-form adjectives with stem ending in -ж, -ш, -ч, -щ. The accent on irregular comparative adjectives is always on the second syllable from the end. Both words agree in gender, number and case with the noun. This prefix implies "somewhat," "a little bit": Instead of using the compound or simple superlative as described above, Russian conversation has a quick and easy way of expressing the superlative. A superlative may be formed by using the prefix наи-. Adjectives are given in dictionaries in positive degree. Instead of using the compound or simple superlative as described above, Russian conversation has a quick and easy way of expressing the superlative. Sometimes,... 2. The simple superlative is common in scientific and literary Russian; however, the same form is also used in colloquial Russian to express the speaker’s personal impression. The superlative degree is the form of an adjective which denotes that something has a … In current speech this prefix is added only to the following adjectives: больший, меньший,в… The comparative degree: the adjective compares the qualities of two nouns. Э́та су́мка тяжёлая. Я хоч у к о... 3. The posititive degree simply describes a quality. 1.The simple superlative is formed by adding to the stem of the positive degree (a) the suffix -ейший(-ейшая, -ейшее,-ейшие): (b) the suffix -айший(-айшая,-айшее,-айшие) to the stems ending in г, кor x; a mutation of consonants then takes place: 2. 1. The simple superlative is commonly used to express a value judgment on the part of the speaker and may be used when no comparison is made (English example: a most interesting film). Russian grammar --> Degrees of Comparison. This is to use the comparative plus the expressions всех 'than anyone' or всего 'than anything' : … Another way to form the superlative form. Adjectives are given in dictionaries in positive degree. There are three degrees of comparison in Russian: positive, comparative and superlative. 3. In the simple form, the suffix -ее is added to the stem: long – длинный: длиннее ; poor – бедный: беднее They tend to be short, commonplace adjectives which end on those consonants subject to palatalization. Formation. Actually, it is very easy – all you need to do is to add бо́лее (more) or ме́нее (less) to the long form of adjective:. Note that like the compound superlative, the simple superlatve is declined. Superlative adjectives, simple or compound, may be used both attributively and predicatively. Master Russian adjectives with this complete guide to usage, including declension, short versus long adjective forms, the Russian comparative and superlative and more. It consists of the word самый most and the long form of the adjective. In this lesson we will learn how to form the superlative degree of Russian adjectives . Sometimes the words наибóлее most or наимéнее least can be used instead of самый to create superlative compound form. See Russian adjectives used in example sentences, videos and charts that make it easy to understand this grammar topic like a pro. Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives are created by adding an ending to the stem (simple comparative and simple superlative) or with help of special adverbs, equivalent of English "more" and "most" (compound comparative and compound superlative). The posititive degree simply describes a quality. Sometimes the simple comparative takes the prefix пo-. The superlative degree is the form of an adjective which denotes that something has a quality to a greater degree than anything. This is to use the comparative plus the expressions всех than anyone or всего than anything: long-form adjectives with stem ending in -ж, -ш, -ч, -щ. The comparative degree: the adjective compares the qualities of two nouns.