What about your personal values, and what about your cultural values? There are many values and beliefs within the Arab culture. Cultural values that impact on the health experience of the patient are derived from the Arab worldview. Cultural Values . Morals are a system of beliefs that is taught for deciding good or bad as opposed to coming from within and are emotionally related for deciding right or wrong. The Definition of Beliefs: Confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Beliefs are the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. For example, cultures differ in their values about what kinds of physical closeness are appropriate in public. Values also vary from culture to culture. The art, literature, language, and religion of a community represent its culture. What human values do you follow in your daily life? Beliefs and values determine our attitudes and opinions. Culture of Ethiopia - history, people, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social Cr-Ga. Toggle navigation. Beliefs are mostly cultural and religious in nature. Values are deeply embedded and critical for transmitting and teaching a culture’s beliefs. According to www.dictionary.com, culture is “The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Have you thought about your beliefs and value system lately? Culture is the invisible bond which ties people together. They may be religious, cultural or moral. Values are not static; they vary across time and between groups as people evaluate, debate, and change collective societal beliefs. Individuals in a society have specific beliefs, but they also share collective values. Most of the values are learnt from elders, parents, teachers and religious books though there are also personal beliefs. Our moral values represent our culture. Morals have more social value and acceptance than values, with a person being judged more for their moral character than their values. Some of the values that are found universally across cultures are compassion, honesty, integrity, love, sex, friendship, and many more. The name "Ethiopia" derives from the Greek ethio , meaning "burned" and pia , meaning "face": the land of burned-faced peoples. It refers to the pattern of human activity. How about your core beliefs? Highlighted here are the values and beliefs that impact on the health experience. Beliefs are precious because they reflect who we are and how we live our lives. Pre-existing beliefs. Our cultural values and beliefs manifest themselves through our lifestyle. Forum; Countries and Their Cultures; Cr-Ga; Culture of Ethiopia Ethiopia Culture Name Ethiopian Orientation Identification.