Write a draft of your items first before typing it on your final checklist. Great for families who are planning a family event or aiming to divide and conquer house chores, all while tracking everyone's progress in one To-Do template. Whether you're doing a task you need to finish or purchase items needed for some assignments, you'll need a list for you to remain on track. Now that you're done outlining everything, access Google Docs on your computer. 10 • Free Business To-Do List Templates. This is a To-Do List Template you can fill out in a similar fashion to the "Priority To-Do List Template (with goal dates)" and "Priority 2-Day To-Do List Template (with goal dates)" - So, you can add your top 3 priority tasks, up to 10 secondary tasks, order them by goal dates, and mark all as complete when done. Great for people who want to separate, group, and organize different types of tasks they have to perform. You can also indicate the progress status and priority level of an assignment in the same way. Great for teams who have multiple projects and tasks of various priority levels they have to work on - and who wish to track their start dates, deadlines, progress status, task budget, as well as the estimated and the actual hours spent on tasks. Quickly Customize. Billing Template Perfect for businesses or individuals in the service industry, this billing template3. Cute Presentation templates Catch everyone's attention with these free presentation templates with Cute and fun deck designs. Once you're done, start checking out items in your checklist now. To avoid this circumstance, you need a checklist to keep you in the right direction. The difference is that you can track your tasks and their goal dates for today, and then plan and organize them in advance for tomorrow. Therefore, you need to know how to create a proper checklist. After saving your document, you can now access it on your computer and your phone. Do not want to wait?Subscribe now to Get Unlimited Downloads & many more. Or a new hire checklist? Great for planning a whole week's worth of homework assignments and study time. The Excel and Google Sheets templates allow you to track how many tasks you've check-marked thus far. In addition, you can also define the budget for your tasks, as well as the estimated time you think you'll spend on tasks and the actual hours you tracked on the said tasks in reality. They are also print-ready, perfect for commercial as well as personal printing. Now that you have a clear purpose in mind, it will be easier for you to identify the tasks you need to do. Great for people who have trouble building up the patience to perform the same set of daily chores, day, after day, after day. Instantly Download List Templates, Samples & Examples in Google Docs. Mark the progress status of the task you're currently working on ("In Progress", "Done", or "Discarded"), Indicate whether the task was finished before the deadline (YES/NO), Add projects you need to finish and emails or documents you need to send, Add other specific tasks you need to do (such as proofread various documents), Checkmark each task when you're done with it, Add your priority tasks for each day of the week, Mark each task and its steps (sub-tasks) as complete when done, Write and organize your daily schedule in 1-hour, Add and keep track of your top 5 priority tasks, Add and keep track of your daily exercise routine, Plan your daily menu (breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner), Go through a pre-made list of business trip essentials to help you better plan your business travels, Add your school assignments (grouped by subject), Mark the status of your assignments ("Incomplete", "In Progress", "Complete"), Mark the level of priority of your assignments ("Low", "Medium", "High"), Define projects and tasks you're working on, Keep track of the progress status of your tasks, Add and focus only on 5 top priority tasks per day, Define your top 3 priority tasks you want to focus on, Add up to 10 secondary tasks you wish to work on when you're done deadline with priority tasks, Order tasks based on their goal dates - closest goal dates goes on top, Define tasks each family member has to complete, Define tasks anyone or everyone from the family can complete, Go through a pre-made list of house tasks meant to help you declutter your home (throw away old magazines and newspapers, put dirty laundry in the hamper, etc.