2012-05-22 04:23:52 2012-05-22 04:23:52. parts. Parakeets, like all birds, do not have vocal cords which makes it interesting that they can reproduce speech that sounds uncannily like a … Some have been known to take in several words from their proprietors. Last Updated: June 19, 2019 References Approved. Parakeets do best with hard letters like K and T, so the traditional "hello" is actually sort of hard for a Parakeet. Similar to teaching a baby how to talk, repeat words back to your bird as they try to copy you. Asked by Wiki User. I've heard parrots talk, but parakeets just seem to whistle the word or sentence more than say it to my ears, Like they mimic the ups and downs a voice does in the sentence rather than the words. 1 Interacting With Your Budgie 2 Teaching Your Budgie to Talk Other Sections. Do blue parakeets talk? Can parakeets talk? 249 250 251. Repetition: Repetition is the key! Can parakeets talk? The key is repetition! I'm going to be living in a dorm with 6 other people (i have my own room though, so i can close the door) and i was wondering how loud they are and if they squawk a lot, or if they're on the quiet side and merely chirp or something haha. Humans have the ability to vocalize or talk because of the vibration of our vocal cords. Expert Q&A Tips and Warnings Related Articles References Article Summary Co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. With some patience, it can be fun to teach your pet parakeet to talk. Since you have been training them to say this you recognise it, but to someone else they wouldn't unless you told them what it was saying. They don’t speak as clearly as larger birds like Macaws. I understand that parakeets don't "talk" in the sense of speaking words, but i'm thinking of getting one because i really want a bird. With some tolerance, it tends to be enjoyable to show your pet parakeet to talk. Parakeets, also called budgerigars or budgies (Melopsitticus undulatus), are highly regarded as pets. Parakeets tend to mumble and to talk quickly, so the more slowly you talk, the more normal it will sound when the bird starts to repeat it. Their small size, brilliant colors and ability to talk make parakeets great pets for busy families. Parakeets do not build nests, but lay their eggs in a wooden nest box provided for breeding. Parakeets and Budgerigars; Training Parakeets and Budgerigars; How to Teach Your Budgie to Talk. You just have to train them. Parakeets can talk utilizing words that they’ve heard. Answer. Parakeets are able to talk using words that they’ve heard. Some have been known to learn hundreds of words from their owners. Top Answer. Wiki User Answered . "Cutie" would be much better! They don’t talk as unmistakably as bigger Parrots like Macaws. This article was co … X. Any Parakeet can talk. There’s a good chance you came here looking for information on the talking abilities of the ubiquitous budgie (budgerigar). Find out all about which parakeet species are the best talkers and how you can train yours to imitate words, phrases and whistles. A parakeets version of “talking” is very different than the process that occurs in humans. Explore this Article.