This species has a similar voice to several other curassows, its call consisting of a "peculiar" lingering whistle. Etant une espèce de grande taille, c'est une cible relativement facile pour les chasseurs qui en apprécient la viande. In most regions only one or two morphs occur, and females showing a level of intermediacy between these morphs are known (e.g. BIRD OF THE WEEK: March 16, 2018 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Crax rubra POPULATION: 6,700 - 40,000 TREND: Decreasing HABITAT: Undisturbed tropical forests. In this species, standard measurements are as follows: the wing chord is 36 to 42.4 cm (14.2 to 16.7 in), the tail is 29 to 38 cm (11 to 15 in) and the tarsus is 9.4 to 12 cm (3.7 to 4.7 in). Le grand hocco n'est pas immédiatement en danger car il possède un assez vaste territoire (662 000 kilomètres carrés). Unlike other cracids, such as guans, they feed largely on fallen fruit rather than pluck fruit directly from the trees. When a potential predator is near their offspring, curassows have been noted to engage in a distraction display, feigning injury. A good look at a male Great Curassow reveals a handsome bird with glossy black plumage and a crest of forward-curling feathers. Il consomme également de larges insectes ainsi que des petits animaux qu'il trouve en grattant le sol. Due to ongoing habitat loss and overhunting in some areas, the great curassow is evaluated as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Known natural predators of this species have included ocelots and ornate hawk-eagles, though chicks and eggs likely have a broader range of predators. 11 ans. Comme les autres hoccos ou membres de la famille des cracidés, le grand hocco passe une grande partie de son temps à marcher hautainement sur le plancher des forêts à la recherche de nourriture. Le ventre et la zone anale sont blanchâtres ou chamoisés. More. Ordre: Galliformes. 2001 revisions): Crax rubra rubra: Clements 5th edition (incl. Systématique. Provided the logo is not removed, you may post this picture on your web site -- please include a link back to this page -- and use it for school projects and powerpoints. [1] It is listed on Appendix III of CITES in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia and Honduras. The great curassow is the most northerly Crax species. Male birds are black with curly crests and yellow beaks; females come in three colour morphs, barred, rufous and black. These birds form small groups, foraging mainly on the ground for fruits and arthropods, and the occasional small vertebrate, but they roost and nest in trees… In Tamaulipas, it feeds largely on the fruit Spondias mombin. A good look at a male Great Curassow reveals a handsome bird … Of the smaller subspecies C. r. griscomi of Cozumel Island, only a few hundred remain. The male is black with a curly crest, a white belly, and a yellow knob on its bill. Mis à jour le 29/11/2020 01:30:06 The Great Curassow (Crax rubra) is a large, black pheasant-like bird with a yellow knob on its bill, curly black feather crests, and white below. Biométrie . Descripteur. When attacking humans, the curassows leap in fluttering flight and scratch about the head, targeting the eyes. Cette espèce étonnante est immédiatement reconnaissable grâce à la longue crête de plumes ébouriffées qui ornent le capuchon. Small vertebrates may supplement the diet on occasion, including small mammals (such as rodents). Male Great Curassow (Crax rubra) at the Belize Zoo: great curassow: Page 1 SHARE: PERMISSION & USE; You may print this image for personal use. At 78–100 cm (31–39 in) in length and 3.1–4.8 kg (6.8–10.6 lb) in weight, this is a very large cracid. Les incendies, comme celui du Oaxaca en 1998, sont également des menaces. resembling rufous morph, but with black neck and faint vermiculations to the wings). The Great Curassow is a big bird, about the size of a domestic turkey, and is prized by local people for its meat. Le grand hocco est souvent apprécié comme oiseau en captivité. This species is gregarious, occurring in groupings of up to a dozen birds, though occasionally birds can be seen alone. The great curassow (Crax rubra) (Spanish: hocofaisán, pavón norteño) is a large, pheasant-like bird from the Neotropical rainforests, its range extending from eastern Mexico, through Central America to western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. It is the most massive and heavy species in the family but its length is matched by a few other cracids. Male birds are black with curly crests and yellow beaks; females come in three colour morphs, barred, rufous and black. Ses effectifs, estimés entre 10 et 60 000 individus sont considérés comme en déclin important. Pair of birds, male and female. [3], In Mexico, there are Unidades de Manejo para la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre [Management Units for the Conservation of Wildlife] (UMAs) who are breeding great curassows in captivity. The Great Curassow is a big bird, about the size of a domestic turkey, and is prized by local people for its meat. Tous droits réservés © 1996-2020 -, Buffon et l'Histoire naturelle des oiseaux, A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America, Vol. Chez le mâle, le plumage est majoritairement noir, avec un léger lustre bleu foncé ou des reflets violacés. The base of the great curassow's bill is yellow with a round bulge. Cependant le bas du ventre et les couvertures sus-caudales sont d'un blanc neigeux qui contraste fortement avec le reste du corps. Foreign names . You may share this image via social media. The Great Curassow (Crax rubra) (Spanish: hocofaisán, pavón norteño) is a large, pheasant-like bird from the Neotropics. 2 - Handbook of the Birds of the World. Les différents membres d'un groupe familial gardent le contact en lançant des petits grognements de faible intensité et peu élevés. Two eggs are typically laid in a relatively small nest (usually made largely of leaves), each egg measuring 9.1 cm × 6.7 cm (3.6 in × 2.6 in) and weighing 200 g (7.1 oz). En période de reproduction, le mâle émet un "hummmmm" bas et profond sur plusieurs tons. Large examples (to nearly 100 cm [40 inches]) are the great curassow (Crax rubra), found from Mexico to Ecuador; the helmeted curassow (Pauxi pauxi), of the mountains of Venezuela and Colombia; and the razor-billed curassow (C. mitu), of the Amazon, which is critically endangered. The coloring of the females varies; they can be black or chestnut-colored with black or white bars and their heads and crest may be striped with black and white. Great Curassow (Crax rubra) bird call sounds on Parfois, la tête, la poitrine, les ailes et la queue sont rayées de noir et de blanc. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, figs and arthropods. 2000 revisions): Crax rubra rubra: Clements 5th edition (incl. Subspecific information 2 subspecies. Great Curassow (Crax rubra) is a species of bird in the Cracidae family. The great curassow (Crax rubra) (Spanish: hocofaisán, pavón norteño) is a large, pheasant-like bird from the Neotropical rainforests, its range extending from eastern Mexico, through Central America to western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. Great Curassow (nominate) ( Crax rubra rubra) Clements 5th edition (as published): Crax rubra rubra: Clements 5th edition (incl. Comme la plupart des autres hoccos, le grand hocco possède un régime mixte : il prospecte surtout à terre où il s'empare de fruits tombés, de baies et de graines. Le grand hocco fréquente principalement les forêts primaires humides pourvues d'arbres à feuilles sempervirentes. Les femelles se distinguent surtout de leur partenaire masculin par l'absence évidente de caroncule jaune sur la base du bec.