You'll obviously want to start out in the usual zones and eventually move into Valkurm Dunes by Level 10. There are 11 total mobs, they are nearly all the same, I will cover the main 4 which can end fights and be a nuisance. FFXIclopedia is a FANDOM Games Community. In that sense, to hold hate on the NM you need to be doing substantial DPS to it. Let the paladin do the tanking while you pop those runes and deal some serious damage plus provide some buffs to the party with your Valiance and One For All abilities. Well that's where Sub Jobs come into play my friend. The skillchains have to be almost non-stop while also maintaining hate on both NMs along with the Corsair possibly hitting 40k Leaden Salutes and capped Darkness skillchains. Another dangerous move is Full-On Tackle, the reason this move is dangerous is due to its hate reset. Is often at a disadvantage against monsters who favor physical attacks. I do demonstrate them in the video below, but in case you missed them, here they are: Epeolatry is not the only weapon which lets you supertank, it can also be done using the Aettir. Gambit reduces the mob's magic defense 10% per Rune Enchantment harbored up to a maxium of 3 runes and a -30% Magic Defense Down. Wave 3 - Shedu, Thu'Ban and Sarama. Tumult also gains access to a 300HP/tic Bio aura when it uses Bligestorm, this is a 30" radius so be prepared to use Elixers to heal if your White Mage is already busy. The most dangerous move is 'Horrid Roar'. There is very little you can do to stop this, however you can prepare for it. For this Master Trial there shouldn't be any TP moves that go off, so they are not to worry about, if they go off then you should worry about them. All of these work in conjunction with each other so rotations are really helpful. Red Mage: However, casting Refresh while using the Erilaz Galea +1 adds 2 extra potency to it and gives it 5 MP/tick. As soon as you see Mighty Strikes get used, snap into a DT set with Utsusemi and try survive what he has to throw at you. So casting Refresh on yourself normally would only give you 3 MP/tick, which isn't much at all. The skillchain will be Ground Strike -> Leaden Salute for Darkness. The problem is when Teles uses Soul Voice, she then gains access to two types of Charm - Entice and Maiden's Virelai. Protect your party members no matter what with Valiance, One For All and Liement. Each Tenebrae rune will restore roughly 80-100 MP per rune, so 3 runes restores anywhere between 240-300 MP every 60 seconds. I could list more possible sub jobs to use with Rune Fencer but none of them would do much good late game. For this to be effective, you must do the same thing you do for conserving unlimited MP - that is figuring out a rotation. The dangerous and important moves to look out for are the following: Doom Arc, a 10 count AoE doom + physical damage, Spawn Shadow, creates a clone of the Shadow Lord and gives him high regen and regain until it is dead, and Umbral Orb, a 30" Darkness based AoE which ignores all forms of shadows and deals heavy damage, Lux runes will counter this. A Warning for this Master Trial: While supertanking the 11 mobs, DO NOT use any AoE spells or you will wipe instantly, focus on 1 target at a time and turn /Autotarget OFF. Multiple sources of Reraise is highly recommended. The final NM left in this Master Trial, and frankly the most annoying. Play religiously with Utsusemi on the Quadav and the Shadow Lord. Bear in mind circumstances change, this rotation does not work for everything. Valiance by itself gives you a 900 Volatile enmity boost as a base, but if you hit all 5 party members it gives you a 4500 boost. For this Master Trial this NM is seriously annoying and can be the most deadly if not played right. The first one is with /DRK, the second is with /BLU. When Ou is at 11% he will start his final stage, Prophylaxis. This is my personal rotation, but honestly, anything works. This job offers everything a tank needs - a bunch of enmity tools, AoE enmity which is practically unrivaled, Cocoon and to top it off, Killer Trait effects to make you an even noticeable tank. You get access to cure spells and a few offensive spells as well. You will use Lux runes for this part to counter Dread Spikes, and a lot of medicines such as Panacea, Remedies and Holy Waters. This sub job is a solid choice for tanking end game content, however you must be aware of its limitations. This guide is not about the job itself as there are two guides already available. There are multiple moves to watch out for and planning ahead can prevent them from being any real threat to you and your party. At the start of fights you should always open with your strongest spell which is Flash which provides a nice Volatile enmity boost of 1280 base. The Rune Fencer Tank guide is mainly for help on NMs and how to deal with them with what Runes to use to be able to survive any given attack which may come at you. This tank strategy is available for every Rune Fencer out there, but this is extremely difficult to pull off and requires huge knowledge of your team's capabilities and how the NM's mechanics work. Blue mage Aside from that move it isn't really difficult or has fight ending moves. Gear that enhances Rayke: Swipe and Lunge are a Rune Fencer's last set of offensive abilities and they aren't necessarily bad job abilities, but they are mostly tools used to have fun with. This guide will range from Reisenjima Tier 4s, Omen Bosses and pushing to content as hard as Master Trials. This strategy is all about timing and precision, everything must be used perfectly and job abilities applied to keep the fight going. Valiance Is similar to Vallation in that it reduces magic damage taken, however, Valiance is Area of Effect, whereas Vallation is self-target only. The way Swipe and Lunge work is that they expend your rune enchantments to deal damage corresponding to the runes used, for example 3 Ignis runes paired with Lunge would deal Fire damage. With this happening your MP will slowly deplete like it should, as the refresh per tick won't be enough, but then you have Vivacious Pulse to use with Tenebrae runes which basically restores all MP used within that 60 second window. It will use this move at 75%, 50%, 25% and 10%. Knowing that this NM can full dispel you should keep you on your toes to be ready to re-buff fast before you die from 1 shot. What makes this NM so hard is Mighty Strikes combined with his TP moves. Other sub jobs do work, yes, but there is no point risking a death for more damage which may ultimately slow damage down because you died. You'll want to move to Qufim Island and continue using the Field Manual there until you are around level 30 and then you want to move into Lower Delkfutt's Tower and use the Grounds Tome to get to level 34 or if you don't feel safe, stick there till level 35. Kirin/Kouryu is not as bad of a fight for a Rune Fencer as Warder of courage, but if you are not paying attention you will die faster than you can imagine. A max duration Rayke only lasts 49 seconds compared to Gambit's 96 seconds. The gimmick to this Omen boss however is a nasty move called 'Dancing Fullers', this move is used at certain intervals, this allows you to plan for it and prepare how you are going to handle it. To do this either go /Drk or /Blm to gain access to Stun. The fourth and final NM for this Master Trial. This sub job is a niche aspect of Rune Fencer tanking which isn't used often, but I will go in more detail further on. Coordinate with your other tank member and see who will aggro the adds and who will focus the boss. Aside from the dumb paralysis the only threat with this NM is the AoE version of Blade: Metsu near the end, this is deadly and can 1 shot players unaware of it.