Student Request for Review of an Assigned Grade. All Freshman Seminars are graded SAT/UNS. In addition, SAT/UNS may be reported as a midyear grade in any full year tutorial or half-course extending throughout the year which does not give a midyear examination. Grades of E, ABS (Absent), NCR (No Credit), FL (Fail), UNS (Unsatisfactory), and EXLD (Excluded) are failing grades. However, final authority for the assignment of grades rests with the course head. Students of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes in the top 5 percent of their respective classes will be designated John Harvard Scholars, based on the grade point average of the previous academic year (for those enrolled in both semesters the prior year). Courses with grades of E, UNS, INC, PI, ABS, or AWD will not count toward graduation. Salary Ranges Salary grades at Harvard Every staff position has a grade level. The following junior and senior tutorials must be graded SAT/UNS: African and African American Studies 99a and 99bApplied Mathematics 99rChemistry 91r, 98r, and 99rComparative Literature 98a, 98b, 99a, and 99bEnglish 99rFolklore and Mythology 99a and 99bFrench 99a and 99bGerman 99a and 99bGovernment 99rHistory 99a and 99bHistory & Literature 99a and 99bHistory of Art and Architecture 99History of Science 99a, 99bItalian 99a and 99bLatin American Studies 99Linguistics 99a and 99bLiterature 98a, 98b, 99a, and 99bMathematics 60rPortuguese 99a and 99bPsychology 985, 990a, 990b, 992a, 992b, 993a, and 993bReligion 99a and 99bRomance Studies 99a and 99bScandinavian 99a and 99bSlavic 99a and 99bSocial Studies 99a and 99bSociology 99a and 99bSouth Asian Studies 99Spanish 99a and 99bSpecial Concentrations 99a and 99bStem Cell and Regenerative Biology 99a and 99bStudies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality 99a and 99b. The Registrar is authorized to obtain from instructors reports on the performance of students in the form of the grades established by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Harvard College. Earned by work whose excellent quality indicates a full mastery of the subject and, in the case of the grade of A, is of extraordinary distinction. Assigning an unsatisfactory midyear grade will make the student’s record for the term unsatisfactory and subject to review by the Administrative Board. University Hall Cambridge, MA 02138. It is important to highlight that there is no published curve with respect to the distribution of grades and that there are no class rankings. Maybe slightly fewer than 1/3 of the students would get an A and the rest would be evenly divided between an A- and B+. The grade of Credit represents letter grades from A to D–; the grade of No Credit represents the letter grade of E. EXLD A notation of Excluded (EXLD) indicates that the student was not permitted to continue in the course by vote of the Administrative Board or Honor Council, and received no credit. All undergraduate student records with any unsatisfactory or failing grade are reviewed at the end of the term by the Administrative Board, which responds to such records in the manner described in the appropriate sections of the Handbook for Students and in the Administrative Board Guide for Students. After that date, only the Administrative Board may grant extensions of time for undergraduates to complete course work. Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Extension of Time for Written or Laboratory Work, The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees, Attendance, Absences, Reading Period, Examinations and Extensions. Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Information for Faculty, Late Work and Extension of Time for Course Work, Retention of Exam Booklets and Course Records. Both undergraduate and graduate students may request that an instructor review a grade that has been received and may also ask to consult with the Chair of the department or committee offering the course. 86 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Approximately six business days after the end of the final examination period, students can view their final and midyear grades at my.harvard. C+, C, C– Earned by work that indicates an adequate and satisfactory comprehension of the course material and the skills needed to work with the course material and that indicates the student has met the basic requirements for completing assigned work and participating in class activities. At Harvard, I was literally told by the professor that the three grades I should give on papers/exams were A, A-, and B+. A D is the lowest elective course grade for which students may receive credit toward graduation. The Registrar must be satisfied that all students in the course will have been treated equitably before authorizing any grade change. It’s important to stress that saying the median grade at Harvard is an A- (or 3.67 on the GPA scale) is completely different from saying the average grade, and therefore average GPA, is a 3.67. Certain House Seminars may also be graded SAT/UNS, provided instructors inform the Standing Committee on Freshman Seminars of their intentions at the time the House Seminar proposals are submitted, and all students in a particular seminar are graded on the same scale. However, final authority for the assignment of grades rests with the instructor in charge of the course. In 2018, the average high school GPA for Harvard University's incoming class was 4.18, and over 92% of incoming students had average GPAs of 3.75 and above. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences uses the following system of letter and non-letter grades to evaluate undergraduate student work: A, A– Earned by work whose excellent quality indicates a full mastery of the subject and, in the case of the grade of A, is of extraordinary distinction. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences uses the following letter grades: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E. A grade of E is a failing grade. Freshman seminars are always graded SAT/UNS. The grade of INCOMPLETE (INC) cannot under any circumstances be given to undergraduates. EXT Instructors may allow students extensions of time to complete course work up to the last day of the Examination Period. The Registrar is authorized to obtain from instructors reports on the performance of students in the form of the grades established by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In many departments, students are expected to maintain an average well above the GSAS minimum. Harvard College Admissions Office and Griffin Financial Aid Office. Once a grade has been reported to the Registrar, it can be changed only upon the written request of the instructor to the Registrar, acting on behalf of the Dean of Harvard College (or the Dean of the Graduate School in the case of 200- or 300-level courses). Grades of C- or higher, as well as the grades of PA and SAT, are passing and satisfactory grades. Unexcused absences are counted as failures (see Final Examinations). Earned by work which is unsatisfactory and unworthy of course credit towards the degree. The minimum standard for satisfactory work in the Graduate School is a “B” average in each academic year. Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Undergraduate Studies. SAT/UNS The grade of Satisfactory includes letter grades from A to C–; the grade of Unsatisfactory represents work below C– and is considered a failing grade. Exclusion from a course is equivalent in all respects to failing it and in and of itself makes the student’s record for the term unsatisfactory. Grades of D+ through D– are passing but unsatisfactory grades. Once a grade has been reported to the Registrar, it can be changed by submitting a request of the instructor to the Registrar, acting on behalf of the Dean of Harvard College (or the Dean of the Graduate School in the case of 200- or 300-level courses). Earned by work that indicates an adequate and satisfactory comprehension of the course material and the skills needed to work with the course material and that indicates the student has met the basic requirements for completing assigned work and participating in class activities.