While some instructors in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences may state that options exist, the pass/fail option that they refer to is for undergraduates only. If a student is required to repeat a course for academic reasons, the course will count only once toward the degree. Required scores are scores you must meet in order to qualify for admission. Upon graduation or termination of degree candidacy, any outstanding INC grades will be converted to INP grades. Program Policies, Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.) Program Policies, Doctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.) Grades posted in Canvas or other course websites are not considered official final grades. Tuition charges for repeated courses may only be considered once for inclusion in a financial aid budget even if tuition is assessed twice. In cases where the instructor requires that all students be graded with a letter grade or a satisfactory/no credit, it is not necessary for students to adjust their original choices. Students are expected to indicate their grade option (letter grade, or satisfactory/no credit) for each course selected at course enrollment. Grades cannot be changed after April 1 for fall and January session courses and August 3 for spring courses. This numerical conversion does not represent grading assessments for individual courses. Normally, the instructor's decision is final. Grading Option. Students registered for undergraduate or graduate credit who complete the requirements of a course may earn one of the following grades: Students enrolled in courses for credit are expected to complete all coursework on time. The minimum standard for satisfactory work in the Graduate School is a “B” average in each academic year. Incomplete (“INC”) grades are granted to students only at the discretion of the instructor. students (including Ed.D. Grades, with the exception of DE, EXT, MU, or asterisk (***), and in some cases WA, are considered final when they are submitted to Academic Services. It is the Head Instructor’s responsibility to post (submit) final grades. Two grading systems are used at HGSE: letter grade, and satisfactory (“SAT”)/no credit (“NCR”). Graduate School of Arts & Sciences HARVARD UNIVERSITY. The Faculty of Arts and Sciences averages its letter grades with a 4-point scale: A = 4.00, A- = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00, B- = 2.67, C+ = 2.33, C = 2.00, C- = 1.67, D+ = 1.33, D = 1.00, D- = 0.67. The following scale is used to calculate the grade point average (GPA) for degree program applicants and candidates as well as premedical program students using a 4-point scale. E, ABS, UNS, EXLD = 0. In others, the instructor needs to explain the rationale for that grade (assuming no mistakes were made). Harvard Chan School Grading System. Likewise, if a student receives an INC in a spring course, then work for that course must be completed during the summer term and submitted by the first day of the fall term. Extensions to the incomplete contract are rarely granted and, if so, only with the agreement of the course instructor (who must be a current member of the HGSE faculty). The following numerical values are assigned to letter and nonletter grades: A=4.0, A–=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3.0, B–=2.67, C+=2.33, C=2.0, C–=1.67, D+=1.33, D=1.0, D–=0.67, E=0, WD=0, RQ=0, EXD=0. However, the academic dean may refer the appeal to the Committee on Rights and Responsibility if they deem that the initial evidence points to breaches of the HGSE or university academic or community standards. students receive an INP in a course that is needed to fulfill academic requirements, they must petition the associate dean for degree programs to be allowed to take a substitute course. The latest deadline instructors may set for students to submit outstanding work is: Deadlines for submitting work may differ for courses that do not follow the full academic calendar.