Classic allergic reactions usually include a red, itchy rash called hives that occurs within minutes of … Besides when you go to the store no one asks for sunflower nuts. We suggest that consumption of sunflower seed and possibly other “butters”, as peanut alternatives, may lead to sensitization with less common allergens in those with impaired skin barrier, if cutaneous exposure precedes oral introduction and development of tolerance. A study published in 2010, however, concluded that 0.1 percent of the general population may have a sesame allergy. In addition, pumpkin seeds contribute to the removal of worms from the human body. Mustard Seed Allergy Highly refined sunflower oil would not likely cause an adverse reaction in those with a sunflower allergy. Sunflower seeds do show cross-reactivity with other members of the compositae family such as mugwort aeroallergens. Sunflower seeds can also be found in sunflower seed butters, granola, cereals, breads, bakery products, trail mix, pasta, and so on. Sesame seed allergy is most commonly seen in children, but often carries on into adulthood as well, or can develop in adulthood. Sesame seed is the most common seed allergy. A case of sunflower allergy in the context of household consumption of sunflower butter has not yet been reported. However, like poppy seed allergy, sunflower seed allergy does seem to be rare. What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to a seed? People can also be allergic to many other seeds, including sunflower seed, mustard seed, rapeseed, flaxseed and poppy seed, although these allergies are much less common. Sunflower is likely the most second most common seed allergy in the U.S. Not much is known about sunflower allergy. Facebook and other social media sites have online support groups. Sunflower seeds are commonly used as bird feed, and in some cases, the first reaction following ingestion was preceded by sensitization through handling, reflecting a role by skin contact or inhalation 12 , 13 , 15 . The number of people affected by seed allergy is unknown. But less refined or unrefined oils that contain the sunflower protein could possibly cause allergic reactions. Scattered case reports suggest that allergy to sunflower seed is not as common 12-23. Sunflower seed and pumpkin seed allergy seem to be much less common. Sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds have been known to cause anaphylaxis. Read the label to check for the presence of sunflower seed since it is becoming a very popular ingredient for its protein and low cholesterol value.