I t is true that the world’s major religions are concerned with moral behavior. Azim Shariff, assistant professor of psychology and director of the Culture and Morality Laboratory at the UO, explores the evolutionary origins of moral behavior, with a special focus on the positive and negative social consequences of religions and related cultural systems. Both of these assumptions, however, are problematic. The teachings of true religion are the same as those of morality. To justify these claims, morality is co-opted by religion. Many, therefore, might assume that religious commitment is a sign of virtue or even that morality cannot exist without religion. Morality is seen as a gift from the gods; a piece of their ultimate perfection that can be assimilated. But Religion also can be very damaging for the development of our society. Since religion is a dominant and highly influential factor in most cultures a good place to start a religion comparison is to study the condition of the country. Researchers from ASU, the University of Wyoming and Oklahoma State University conducted a series of experiences to judge how one's moral values affected the types of food they consume. George Washington once warned that it is folly to suppose that “morality can be maintained without religion.” Studies repeatedly have shown this statement to be true. So it’s not that religion does not effect morality, it’s just that morality also impacts religion. Religion finds itself in similar territory when claiming we have a unique purpose, a soul, and an afterlife that is off-limits to non-humans. How does religion relate to morality? The relationship between religion and morality has long been hotly debated. Is it necessary for morality? Does religion make us more moral? It is only crypto religion, pseudo mysticism which appear to be divorced from morality. Morality cannot be altogether disconnected from religion. The online study with answers from over 1,700 participants across the U.S. found that among both religious and nonreligious contributors, morality played a role in food choices. A man may be moral without being religious but it does not mean that religion should be underrated. Factors such as living conditions, life span, medical services, the prison system, homelessness, food production, military and education are all, to a major extent, a reflection of the ethics and morals of the dominant religion. Atheists don’t score differently than religious people when given moral dilemmas. We should cherish the positive effect of the religion on our society, but also be aware that religion in wrong hand can become a real force of evil that is also willing to do some horrible things. It is very conservative and hard to budge on some very important issues. Author David Myers penned an essay titled “Godliness and Goodliness,” which appeared in the magazine Sightings (4/11/01).