It should also contain a good amount of organic materials, For plants that are growing in containers, make sure the container has holes for drainage, Fuchsia plants grow best in humid conditions, so if you live in a dry area, make sure that it receives enough mist, The ideal temperatures for it to grow are between 55-80 degrees Fahrenheit, However, some species are hardy in very cold temperatures, Make sure to feed them with a diluted liquid fertilizer regularly during the blooming season, Leave space between the top of the container and base of the soil, don’t fill the pot fully with soil, The best way for hardy fuchsia plants to survive the winter is by planting them deep underground to protect the crown when it gets too cold, Adding a layer of mulch, leaf mould, or straw, especially in autumn, can give it some added protection in the cold winter months, Most of the popular fuchsia flowers in hanging baskets and pots are half-hardy fuchsias, Normal fuchsias will have to be moved to an area that is free of frost during the winter season to protect the stems from frost damage. This is an important step and should not be missed. When potting fuchsia plants, make sure to have at least one drainage hole to prevent this from happening and ensure that the soil is well-drained, Receiving too much sunlight may be another reason for the wilting. A gray and fluffy mold appears on thicker plants or those grown in dark conditions. You have two options with a fuchsia - either let it shoot on all the old wood, cutting back dead ends later OR cur it right down to ground level when there are signs of green at the base and let it form a new framework this year. What to do if your fuchsia plant suffers from pests? While you’re busy beating up your plant, think about replacing last year’s potting soil that is probably a bit too high in salts after a season’s worth of municipal water. You need to be somewhere in the middle, not too much or too little. Soak your fuchsia well, and then hang it in a semi-shady location to recover. Put them in larger pots, let them soak in bath tub with water in it until they are wet, and maybe they will revive. Or, contact our editors by emailing The amount of water needed by a fuchsia plant can vary based on the cultivar. Excessive direct sunlight will cause the fuchsias to wilt and drop. Why are the fuchsia leaves turning brown? This should only be done if you are trying to grow a broad, bushy plant. You should also replace the potting soil. Make sure to protect the plant from the afternoon sun by giving it partial or full shade. Make sure that the temperature stays at around 50º F. During this period, the plant will not produce flowers but focus on staying alive. You need to cut the branches with the leaves and flowers. Fuchsias grown in pots will usually have warmer soil as compared to those grown in the ground. The main reason for its popularity is that it is a hybrid plant that flowers and also produce delicious berries. It will be storing up its energy to get ready for the upcoming growing season. You need to prune dead or damaged fuchsia plants to ensure the new growth is successful. When your fuchsia plant is blooming, check it weekly or so for spent flowers. Thus, fuchsia plants grown in plastic containers will be better off in full to partial shade. Choosing fuchsias for your garden brings bold color and visual interest to your home. Pinching may seem counter-productive, but remember that the more you pinch, the more flowers you’ll get. In the case where plants are growing in the open, the fungus usually emerges sometime between July and September; however, greenhouse fuchsias can be affected at any time of the year, A lack of nutrients, in particular a magnesium deficiency, may cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop from the plants. 3. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I am on my 6th fuchsia over the past 3 years and have killed them all. These varieties are extremely hardy and are suitable for most climates in the United States. Ensure that your area has good air circulation to allow the extra moisture to evaporate, keeping the roots healthy and pest-free. I can not figure out how to keep this thing alive. If anything, they fall in the fiddly class. However, in general, fuchsias need to be kept in consistently moist soil. Transfer the fuchsia plant into another pot to get the soil conditions required for recovery. Fungicide is the perfect treatment for this disease. You can move your fuchsia plant inside. Approximately a month before the last frost, prune your plant to about half its size and slowly allow it to receive indirect sunlight to prepare to go back outside. I am Elsa, love gardening. Green Living 20 Hacks That Will Bring Your Dead (or … Fuchsias require an average humidity level to thrive. After reading this, you will be fully equipped to revive and take care of your fuchsia plants. Begin feeding in February with a balanced fertilizer with numbers such as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. We’ll also share methods for reviving them if it does happen. Make sure that your pot has holes in it for adequate drainage. These are small in size, bushy, round, and ideally used to establish a boundary wall in the garden or for growing in pots on patios and balconies. Olga Oksman. Fuchsia plants grown in pots and containers will need to be watered more often as compared to those planted directly in the ground, as their roots cannot get that extra moisture and are completely dependent on the moisture present within the pot. Soak your fuchsia well, and then hang it in a semi-shady location to recover.