Geography, history, politics, literature... Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright. speak! Quick tip: object pronouns are words such as la (her/it), me or moi (me), and leur (them). Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #2857 (SUB) => Que l'on fasse attention à la peinture ! > Other French exercises on the same topic: Imperative [Change theme] > Similar tests: - The Present Imperative - Impératif présent - Impératif présent - Impératif : Formation et valeurs - Impératif - Verbes à l'impératif présent - Conjugaison : L'impératif présent. Ouvre la fenêtre! A l'impératif, conjuguer à la 2e personne (vous) Au subjonctif utiliser 'on' : => 'Qu'on...', Click here to see the current stats of this French test. let’s finish! "subjonctif (SUB)Qu'on m'apporte le courrier !une prièrepar un pointinfinitif (INF)Frapper avant d'entrer. It can end with a point (.) Other French exercises on the same topic : Imperative | All our lessons and exercises. sell! For regular -er verbs get rid of the -s in the present tu form. [Talk to her! (parler/avec elle) ! (déranger) 10. ta promesse pour dormir en paix ! The imperative only exists in the second person singular (tu), the first person plural (nous) and the second person plural (vous). The endings are quite straight forward. ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Ask your teacher! [Talk to her! ]|Present-tense form of the 2, [Wait a moment! close the door → ferme la porte add 100g of flour → ajoutez 100g de farine ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Let’s go cycling! To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Wait there! vendez! Evaluate your understanding of the imperative in French by completing this interactive quiz. let’s sell! ]|Present-tense form of the 2, [Wake up at 6 o’clock! (détacher) 9. ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Let’s take the tram! Last Updated: August 19, 2018 The imperative is the command form; it's when we tell or ask somebody to do something. sell! Our online exercises for French help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. It also includes the form "let's do..." Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person singular (tu). In French, the imperative is formed from the second person singular or -tu form of the present tense, and also from the second person polite/plural -vous form, again of the present tense. Fill in the blank exercise about the injonctive sentence in French What is an imperative sentence in French ? Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 1st person plural (nous). Ne pas ton voisin ! - Présent de l'impératif > Double-click on words you don't understand 8. vos mains de la ficelle ! ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Don’t get lost! Exercise. Ope… Que l'on change de direction! Allons à la plage! Let’s go to the beach! finissons! With Lingolia Plus you can access 9 additional exercises about Impératif, as well as 585 online exercises to improve your French. ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Let’s pay the bill! parlons! let’s speak! Sell you car! ]|Present-tense form of the 1 st person singular. parlez! Shut the door! speak! These often appear in the object part of the sentence, but in the case of the imperative, these are the pronouns being used. Let’s look at a few example sentences: Vendez voture voiture! Exemples à suivre : Faire attention à la peinture. > Similar tests: - The Present Imperative - Impératif présent - Impératif présent - Impératif : Formation et valeurs - Impératif - Verbes à l'impératif présent - Conjugaison : L'impératif présent. In French, the object pronoun which accompanies the imperative changes its position depending on the kind of command being issued. (INF) => Changer de direction. ]|Present-tense form of the 2, [Please come on time! Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48). VENDRE – to sell vends! vendons! The imperative is conjugated in the same way as the present tense, but the subject pronouns are omitted. - Présent de l'impératif > Double-click on words you don't understandImperative sentencesLa phrase impérative exprimese termineverbeexempleun ordrepar un point ou point d'exclamationimpératif (IMP)Laissez-moi partir !laissez-moi partir.un conseilpar un point d'exclamation "! (honorer) End of the free exercise to learn French: A l'impératif! A free French exercise to learn French. Faire attention à la peinture. (IMP) => Faites attention à la peinture. Learn how to use the imperative in French with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in the free exercises. → lève-toi ! finissez! finish! finish! Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person singular (tu). ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Let’s not fall asleep! ]|Present-tense form of the 1, [Finish your exercise! ]|Present-tense form of the 1, Let’s be happy! FINIR – to finish finis! PARLER – to speak parle! ]|Present-tense form of the 2, Impératif – tableaux de conjugaison (être/avoir), Impératif – tableaux de conjugaison (verbes réguliers), Impératif – tableaux de conjugaison (verbes irréguliers). The imperative phrase (French: la phrase impérative) is also called injonctive phrase (La phrase injonctive) and expresses an order, an advice, or a prohibition. Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. The imperative is a used to convey a command, suggestion, request or instruction, for example: get up! The pronoun is omitted.|We remove the er -ending and add e. (finir/ton exercice) ! Simply take the tu, nous and vous forms of the present tense. ]|Present-tense form of the 1 st person singular. > Other French exercises on the same topic: Imperative [Change theme] [Finish your exercise! ]|Present-tense form of the 2, [Don’t be sad! Complete the gaps with the imperative for the 2nd person plural (vous). Ferme la porte!