They sold them. After 23 Years, IBM Sells Off Lotus Notes, agreed to sell select software products to HCL Technologies, Twitter Flags Trump and White House Tweets About Minneapolis Protests for 'Glorifying Violence'. Once you are on Notes, it's very difficult t. But it was a really interesting platform for building cryptographically secure document management systems. :-), Another error I made: I typed "1995" when "2005" was my intent. that was normal on SNA 3270 "s. These idiots can't decide what they want to be. Real shame just the same. What triggered my few nostalgic thoughts about Lotus Notes this evening was a blog post published in  “Lotus Notes and Domino have been able to survive for 20 years, how?”. Migrating from Lotus Notes/Domino is an EXTREMELY expensive endeavor. And this was back in 1990, when people were using Windows 3.0. Active Directory was still ten years in the future, but it was feasible to deploy a system with tens or even hundreds of thousands of users using Notes even then. . My strategy was simple: DO NOT ROLL IT OUT TO THE BUSINESS. The discussion always ends up the same (so far):  we’re not leaving Notes. We’re firmly a Notes/Domino shop, with about 3000 users who leverage the platform for not only messaging, but over 200 in-house developed applications. They were all pretty darn bad! It validates much of what I've described here. There are already some out there, but I don't like their feature set and UI. You need to put this in context. I wish you the best – keep your chin up, and your eyes open! You then go on to explain your reasoning to them, right? Only to have created something so complex that the end users actively avoid. Lotus Notes software is a product of IBM Company which acquired it from Lotus Corporation in 1995. I have used Lotus Notes. IBM Lotus Notes is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue. There is a self-fulfilling, lemming-like approach to migrations, and it’s a careful balance to speak up without going too far and being marginalized as a zealout. Then they'll just coast the rest of the way out. No one cares that it was better than a bunch of other three-decade-old turds. Good work, IBM. What an absolute disaster. . Not because they are bad ideas or I am unable to program them. It was a generic groupware platform/engine and they implemented an email system on top. No idea if it's still possible (unlikely) and if not, when it was changed. I found it amusing that when IBM bought Lotus, they added the "lightning bolt" icon . This is a good thing as HCL has already been programming for IBM for years and they had taken over development for Notes and Domino recently, IBM had been slow on development with domino/notes for years due to their main focus on Cloud computing, which they tried with Notes/Domino in Bluemix, however that didn't quite work out and a lot of IBM's Notes/Domino customers didn't want to move Notes/Domino to the cloud. The users find it incomprehensible? Every time you received a Notes email (or indeed any kind of document) from another Notes user, it was automatically authenticated; no imposture was possible, and this was at a time when it was normal for SMTP to accept any input from any source that knew the IP address. were second-tier, and most people never tried to develop anything more than simple utilities that could be added to Domino/Notes for maintenance-level tasks. After making sure that management understood the implications, and getting the directive in writing, I proceeded to configure exchange to echo said user's email to a journal. We are not responsible for them in any way. A lot of companies have dumped Notes Email but there are companies that still have Notes applications and have tried and failed to find something else to put them in, etc, Back around 2000 I was working as a PC technician for a Fortune 500 company.