These collections bring together a selection of papers from across the journal's archive: Environmental sustainability and the health care system, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Publication with an internationally-respected and Medline-indexed journal, Over 70% of submissions receive a first response within 30 days, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts. Health Services Research. Articles with the highest Altmetric score from the last 3 months, indicating influence and impact. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Journal of Health Services Research & Policy presents the latest scientific research, insightful overviews and reflections on underlying issues, and innovative, thought provoking contributions from leading academics and policy-makers. All rights reserved. How do aggregated patient-reported outcome measures data stimulate health care improvement? Leadership in the NHS: does the Emperor have any clothes? After trim spaces title : What constitutes meaningful engagement for patients and families as partners on research teams? Deadline: November 30, 2020, Contact us for more information on advertising opportunities in HSR. Current Issue. This site uses cookies. After trim spaces title : The impact of adverse childhood experiences on health service use across the life course using a retrospective cohort study, After trim spaces title : Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of outpatient services: a scoping review of interventions at the primary–secondary care interface, After trim spaces title : How do frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement? Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of outpatient services: a scoping review of interven... How do frontline staff use patient experience data for service improvement? the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. 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What constitutes meaningful engagement for patients and families as partners on research teams? After trim spaces title : Subjective and Objective Measures of Health: Which is Better When? Most read articles in this journal in the last 6 months. BMC Health Services Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of health services research. Patient experience and service improvement, Why public trust in health care systems matters and deserves greater research attention. Using mixed methods in health services research: A review of the literature and case study, COVID-19 and ‘conversations not had’ with people with frailty in acute settings. Journal Issues Current Issue Past Issues Special Issues Visual Abstracts Methods Corner Article Collection ... Health Services Research. New login is not successful because the max limit of logins for this user account has been reached. Strengths and weaknesses of the study design, data collection and analysis. Articles most recently published online for this journal. It provides ideas and hope for solving dilemmas that confront all countries. Findings from an ethnographic case study evaluation, After trim spaces title : Whose data is it anyway? Over 70% of submissions receive a first decision within 30 days, Online publication within 23 working days of acceptance, Publication in an internationally respected journal with an Impact Factor and indexing in MEDLINE. The Journal Impact Quartile of Journal of Health Services Research and Policy is Q2. It provides ideas and hope for … 2019 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 42/102 (Health Care Sciences & Services) 27/87 (Health Policy & Services) Online ISSN: 1475-6773. Implications of the findings for policy or practice. International context and audience, accessibility and presentation. 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Journal of Health Research is dedicated to publishing valid research from different areas of public health, such as determinants of illness, benefits of health-related interventions, quality of life, health systems and services development, and environmental health. Financial Incentives to Induce Change, Medicaid Expansion, Social Determinants of Health, and Methods Corner, Keep up with the latest in health services research in print and online, Work with HSR to sponsor and produce a special issue on a particular topic, Find out how you can become an author or reviewer of HSR articles, Read abstracts from the new Methods Corner Article Collection, International Comparisons of High-Need, High-Cost Patients: New Directions in Research and Policy Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account. The email address and/or password entered does not match our records, please check and try again. Rachel O’Hara, Maxine Johnson, A Niroshan Siriwardena, Andrew Weyman, Janette Turner, Deborah Shaw, Peter Mortimer, Chris Newman, and more... Michael Wilson, Adrian Guta, Kerry Waddell, John Lavis, Robert Reid, Cara Evans, Mark Bellis, Karen Hughes, Katie Hardcastle, Kathryn Ashton, Kat Ford, Zara Quigg, Alisha Davies, Eleanor M Winpenny, Céline Miani, Emma Pitchforth, Sarah King, Martin Roland. © 2020 by the American Hospital Association. The Journal of Health Services Research and Policy presents the latest scientific research, insightful overviews and reflections on underlying issues, and innovative, thought provoking contributions from leading academics and policy-makers. After trim spaces title : Leadership in the NHS: does the Emperor have any clothes? © Health Research and Educational Trust. e.g., culture-based public health interventions, … After trim spaces title : Major health service transformation and the public voice: conflict, challenge or complicity? LATEST ISSUE >. Patricia Wilson, Elspeth Mathie, Fiona Poland, Julia Keenan, Amanda Howe, Diane Munday, Sally Kendall, Marion Cowe, Sophie Stanis and more... Gerry Armitage, Sally Moore, Caroline Reynolds, Pierre-Antoine Laloë, Claire Coulson, Rosie McEachan, Rebecca Lawton, Ian Watt, J and more... Nicola Howe, Emma Giles, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Elaine McColl, Linda Rozmovits, Helen Mai, Alexandra Chambers, Kelvin Chan, INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology. Increased risk of 2-year death in patients who discontinued their use of statins. Findings from an et... Whose data is it anyway? A qualitative study of patient engagement at the Pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review: perspectives of reviewers and payers, After trim spaces title : Strengthening stakeholder involvement in health workforce governance: why we need to talk about power, After trim spaces title : Patient and family engagement in incident investigations: exploring hospital manager and incident investigators’ experiences and challenges. Impacting Health Practice and Policy Through State-of-the-Art Research and Thinking.