The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Laser Physics Letters is 2.34, which is computed in 2019 as per it's definition. Albumin glycation is an important marker for detecting type II diabetes. Laser Physics Letters has an h-index of 65. The cell death and tumor marker are directly related to the nanoparticles' physiochemical composition, size, shape, self-fluorescence and activation upon suitable light excitation. K A Balygin, A N Klimov, I B Bobrov, K S Kravtsov, S P Kulik and S N Molotkov. Springer To the best of our knowledge, it is the first demonstration of the passively Q-switched laser based on a siloxane SA. In this way, the results obtained suggest that the use of the reduced pain sensitivity after the placement of orthodontic separators. The method is explained using numerical simulations and experimental measurements. The source is based on an x-ray laser (XRL) on the transition 4f5/2 [J = 1] − 4d3/2[J = 1] of Ni-like tin ions (Sn22+) in plasma formed during the interaction of a nanostructured tin target with an intense ultrashort pump laser (Ipump ~ 81017 W cm−2). Secondly, the efficiency has been greatly improved. ISSN: 1612-2011. 1508. We demonstrate the possibility of creating a self-bound stable three-dimensional matter-wave spherical boson–fermion quantum ball in the presence of an attractive boson–fermion interaction and a small repulsive three-boson interaction. By rotating a polarizer set at the output end of the MSC, the topological charge of the OAM beam can be tuned from l = −1 to l = +1 and thus a tunable OAM beam is obtained. Wiley The analysis of threshold conditions shows that the laser array can achieve lasing with a cavity length of about 1 mm for an internal loss of 40 cm−1. In this Letter we prove that detector blinding attack, when acts on QKD systems with phase coding, leads to a distortion of the photocounts statistics so the eavesdropper may always be detected. Orthodontic treatment promotes a degree of discomfort in patients and can lead to them giving up treatment when they have a lower pain tolerance threshold. June 20, 2020. Citescore is produced by Scopus, and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor produced by Journal Citation Report. The Q-switched laser exhibits the performances of self-starting, good stability, and high pulse energy. It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic. Further research of the slurry laser on crystal or glass particles is discussed. The joint action of Raman clean-up effect and mode-selection properties of special fiber Bragg gratings inscribed in the central part of the GRIN fiber core results in significant beam quality enhancement for the generated Stokes beam ( < 3) in comparison with that of the pump radiation ( > 30). In article number 2000249, Jian Wang and co-workers show the intelligent recognition of various spatial mode bases by convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep learning.Four mode bases in a ring-core fiber, i.e. Regarding sex, a lower pain reduction was observed in males (p > 0.05). The private key sequence of each participant is encoded into a sequence consisting of those single-particle unitary operations which will be performed on the nonorthogonal quantum pairs. A new mechanism that degrades the temporal contrast of pulses generated in optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) systems is presented in this paper. In addition, the exact value of the operating wavelength near the Raman gain maximum was varied. The zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles, nanoflowers and nanorods among other expensive nanoparticles have great potential in cancer therapy without toxicity and side effects. You will only need to do this once. At present, second-order autocorrelation represents a common and reliable technique for the characterization of ultrashort pulses. Both the strong mode confinement and the low propagation loss are very important for the design of highly integrated THz devices, but they are often contradictory to each other and difficult to be achieved at the same time. The organization or individual who handles the printing and distribution of printed or digital publications is known as Publisher. The impact factor (IF) 2018 of Laser Physics Letters A diversity of strategies is utilized for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer with limitations and side effects. The best quartile for this journal is Q1. The surface profile at a fluorescence of 500–635 nm and 635–750 nm, a differential contrast image and combined LSCM image indicate fluorescence conformation, surface morphology and a diameter of 100–150 nm. Powder from LiF crystal particles with F2 color centers (sized up to 1000 µm) immersed in a mixture of heptane and vaseline oil (forming an index-matched slurry) was examined as an active medium in a test experiment under Coumarin 120 dye laser pumping. ACM An OPCPA system was modelled using numerical methods to study this phenomenon. The boson–fermion interaction is taken to be the mean-field Hartree interaction, quite similar to the interaction term in the GP equation. It is shown that any preselected coherent superposition of all N ground states can be obtained from an initial superposition of M ground states in the presence of detuning. Click here to close this overlay, or press the "Escape" key on your keyboard. This attack was experimentally demonstrated for various QKD systems based on both phase and polarization coding. … By adjusting the delay line length to match the temporal separation of two consecutive spiking pulses, we have successfully obtained large stable pulses in the microsecond range for any available pump power. In the present study, a label-free blood albumin analysis based on laser surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for diabetes screening is presented. The two-boson interaction could be attractive or repulsive whereas the fermions are taken to be in a fully-paired super-fluid state in the Bardeen–Cooper–Schreifer (quasi-noninteracting weak-coupling) limit. Photon. In this paper, we study the inside-dominant graphene surface plasmon polaritons (GSPPs) propagating on the graphene-coated nanowires with drop-shaped cross section using COMSOL multiphysics. To incorporate sufficient pump energy from multi-hundred watt-level 976 nm commercial laser diodes, a new kind of (8 + 1)-type pump-gain integrated functional laser ((8 + 1)-PIFL) fiber was fabricated by our newly optimized special fiber assembly and coating techniques for the first time. Post-pulses exist in any laser system, including pump lasers. In our experimental study, we demonstrated zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) as a photosensitizer and biomarker for cervical carcinoma cell line photodynamic therapy (PDT). Laser Physics Letters Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. The inversion mechanism of the optically self-pumped laser is caused by photon reabsorption in optically dense plasma. The 2019 Journal Citation Reports have been released, and the 2018 impact factors (IF) for selected physics journals are available here.. Laser & Photonics Reviews received an increase in its IF to 9.056. The ZnO NRs are synthesized with a hydrothermal method and characterized for their structural, physical, chemical, mechanical and optical properties. The beam quality factor of the Ho:CaF 2 laser at the maximum output level was measured to be 1.3 and 1.2 in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. A model of the source of monochromatic radiation with λ ~ 13.4 nm with a high conversion factor, intended for industrial nanolithography, is presented.