Once you're on your chosen platforms, be sure to answer customer or follower questions when they ask them through post comments or direct messages. Use our research library below to get actionable, first-hand advice. Even if the need doesn't arise (in cases where it's a one-and-done purchase with no upsell opportunities), you should still delight your customers. When you imagine a customer searching for your product or service, what are they like? There are a lot of factors that play into why a certain site or page appears in the top spots on the Google (or other search engine) search engine results page (SERP). This image shows Wix’s drag-and-drop page builder. What is their job? To help you get started, read this ultimate guide. We've been talking a lot about visibility and traffic but haven't really covered how these will help drive revenue yet. Creating a buyer persona that tells a story of your ideal customer can help you make a website that's optimized for them. 3 minute survey Volunteer to Lead an Organization. For example, if I'm searching for the best salon in Newport, Rhode Island, it wouldn't be helpful for me to find a web page of a salon that has closed down and is located in Newport, Kentucky. When they receive the resource, they might be even more pleased by your company and more interested in buying the full product. Even if you only publish once a week, it will improve your website's visibility online and help educate your potential customers on why they should trust your company. When it all boils down, Google essentially tries to find the best piece of content to present to the person searching. Make sure you're writing with SEO in mind -- use this SEO checklist for bloggers, or a WordPress plugin like Yoast. Consider which content will attract, engage, and delight your prospects and how you will convert them into a customer. Be sure not to spread yourself too thin by joining too many platforms at once. Get Creative. Create a Twitter account for your business, Facebook page for business, learn how to use Instagram for business, create a Pinterest page for your business (if relevant), and use them as a way to discover new clients. Tactics that take time to build (such as SEO) are poor fits for your primary initiatives because you won't see a return soon enough for your liking. If you have the means, consider hiring a social media manager with community management experience. If so, you probably thought, "How do I rank on Google?" If there's no difference between you and your competition, there's no reason why a buyer would be compelled to work with you. If you've never made a website before and aren't entirely comfortable with the technical elements, there are a variety of free tools and services to help you get started. From there, you can send out promotions and offers and convert them into paying customers. Why wouldn't you want to be seen where your potential customers spend their time? Our comprehensive guides serve as an introduction to basic concepts that you can incorporate into your larger business strategy. This is where you put those keywords in the correct places on your website -- like in the meta-description, page titles, and H1 tags. The tool allows you to create automation workflows, generate actionable reports, and audience segmentation features, etc. Then, you can do some on-page SEO research and optimization. 1. Find out what you need to look for in an applicant tracking system. A content management system (CMS) software allows you to publish content, create a user-friendly web experience, and manage your audience lifecycle. Placing a coupon in your marketing emails can engage and delight your audience. Webinars help you connect, interact, and deliver valuable content to your audience in real time, making it an excellent addition to your marketing campaigns.