For indeterminate tomato plants grown using stakes, they will be fine planted 1.5 to 2 feet (45-60cm) apart and if you’re using tomato cages, keep the distance about 2.5-3 feet (75-90cm) apart. The indeterminate growers produce large, deep purple and red beefsteak tomatoes that require 80 days to maturity after transplanting and can weigh approximately one pound. When tending to your plants, refrain from smoking. The Cherokee Purple tomato on the left was grown outside. It's part of the list of fruits vegetables and is healthy and delicious. Many hollow the tomatoes for the seeds and use the shells to bake as stuffed tomatoes. I can't remember, but would guess that it was between, because I honestly don't think I had any clusters that did not want to grow into vines last year. After you pick them you can place them in your kitchen near your windowsill to allow it to continue with the ripening process. This is to help your plants grow nice, tall and upright without slanting. It’s also best to not tend to them after you smoke as well. This tomato type is as sweet as candy and can be used in so many different meals such as salads and sandwiches. I do want to add I had a plant put out more leaves at the end of a truss last year. Not only does this help with boosting the growth of your plants, it also helps prevents pests and diseases. If you want, you can use your seeds for another growing season. Dig in a generous amount of compost or well-rotted … How to Harvest Cherokee Heirloom Tomatoes. It's an interesting question if these strange flower cluster vines are originating at the node or between nodes. If you notice any cracks on the tomatoes, pick them immediately. Purple, cut it off at ground level, and hope it doesn't come back. This variety is said to have been a favorite of the Cherokee people of the southern United States. Clean and separate the seeds carefully, then dry slowly over time. Saving Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds. Cherokee Purple Strange Growth Behavior Last year I grew Cherokee Purple for the first time and it displayed a rather maddening quirk in it's growth habit. Yeah, the leaf branch at the end of flower cluster. Cherokee Purple tomato plants are indeterminate, which means the plants will continue to grow and produce tomatoes until the first frost in autumn. That’s basically it for growing cherokee purple tomato. Canning tomatoes- If you don’t want to eat your tomatoes after harvesting you can freeze or can them. I am one of those in the "no prune" camp. I have seen this behavior before in different indetermined heirlooms, with the new stem coming out of the end of a fruit cluster. I will certainly be interested to observe it this year. When planting your tomatoes, don’t plant them next to tobacco plants. Cherokee Purple tomato plants are indeterminate, which means the plants will continue to grow and produce tomatoes until the first frost in autumn. Keep adding mulch in your container or vegetable garden. I generally train my tomatoes as single or sometimes double staked vines, and I am familiar with the basic pruning techniques needed to keep indeterminate plants trained. … 5. If temperatures drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) or lower, your Cherokee Purple tomato plants may die. The growth habit determines the most appropriate pruning system for that variety. Leaf growing off the end of a truss on New Big Dwarf. google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280; Return from cherokee purple tomato to list of vegetables, Return to quick and easy vegetable garden, © Copyright Like most tomatoes, Cherokee Purple tomatoes grow in nearly any climate that provides plenty of sunlight and three to four months of warm, dry weather. There’s a virus called tobacco mosaic that’s dangerous for your plants. Don’t leave your tomatoes too long on the plants as you wouldn’t want any worms or creatures feeding on them. This is a very effective way to store them for later use. 2. 3. They’re very sweet and have a rich, almost smoky flavor. I’m just basically going to cover the harvesting process in some detail. Both systems are described below. Cherokee Purples are some of the most eye-pleasing and distinctive of tomatoes in both appearance and taste. Cherokee Purple tomato plants are prolific — a great heirloom variety for gardeners and farmers alike. Most well-dried heirloom seeds like the Cherokee Purple will keep for 2-3 years in a cool, dry place. It has the markings expected from harsh changes in outdoor conditions although its been the hottest and driest summer in a long time.