One of the key pieces of information she shared is that cherry wood furniture’s color matures over time. I wanted to create a list featuring a variety of our products in cherry wood to showcase the different stages of maturity you’ll see with real cherry wood. This is an In-Stock Color Block and is available for purchase as an Individual Color Block or as part of a Color Block Set. Cherry that has just been cut, planed or sanded will be a pinkish tan in color, and within a few hours it will begin to turn a darker, slightly reddish brown. Custom Baseboard Heater Covers Are Here! Stains are available on some pieces if a deeper, richer color is desired). Easily our most popular seller, cherry is a smooth-grained, reddish-brown hardwood that comes from the American Black Cherry fruit tree. I'm excited to share that our passion for sustainability has... Lyndon Furniture is one of the most prolific furniture manufacturers in the state of Vermont.... Why is My Furniture Taking So Long? As the picture shows, these pieces have a rich, golden-red color to them with the pink undertones still blending into the wood. Perhaps the biggest reason though is because it is more efficient for them to do it. Recently our Founder and CEO, Peggy Farabaugh, wrote about what to expect with natural cherry wood furniture. Dovetail joints have long been a symbol in woodworking for high quality craftsmanship. Last updated on October 22nd, 2018 at 09:21 am. Cherry’s color deepens from a pale pinkish-tan to a deep red-brown as a result of its exposure to air and light. Small Business Saturday? Cherry that has just been cut, planed or sanded will be a pinkish tan in color, and within a few hours it will begin to turn a darker, slightly reddish brown. One of the key pieces of information she shared is that cherry wood furniture’s color matures over time. Black Friday? If you’re in the area, we’d love to show you around our historic Stonehurst Showroom. We support Vermont craftspeople and American economies. This blog is written by your friends at Vermont Woods Studios. The color of natural cherry changes greatly over time. This is typical of the color that you can expect of a piece that I make when you receive it from me. We all know the importance of supporting the US economy and buying American made holiday... Our Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale for 2020. Already following our Blog? This will be even more pronounced if the wood is exposed to sunlight, as it is UV rays from the sun that make the change. Modern American Dining Table and Modern American Bench. Both of these modern designed pieces are made with real cherry wood and an oil and wax finish was used. Subscribe to get the latest news, deals and discounts, Download or request a printed copy of our fine furniture catalog. Lately I am getting questions on my site asking what color is natural cherry? Natural cherry wood is perhaps the most prized furniture hardwood in America. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that natural cherry is less common than stained cherry, and part of the confusion is that natural cherry changes color over time. 29 Vermont Made Holiday Gift Ideas for 2020. This process will continue and over the course of years the piece will get a deeper and deeper color, becoming the chestnut brown color that makes cherry such a favorite wood. As seen here, this piece has less of a pink tone to it and more of a red/brown coloring typically seen in cherry wood furniture that has aged over time. It will start in a light pink tone and as it’s exposed to light, it will ripen into a rich reddish brown color. Born in an effort to protect the world’s rapidly disappearing wildlife habitats, Vermont Woods Studios provides hand-crafted wood furniture built from trees grown sustainably in North America. In a short time the freshly cut solid wood will catch up and the wood will all be the same color. Some of my pieces have parts that are made of cabinet grade cherry plywood as well as solid cherry parts like turned wood knobs, and custom mouldings which I have recently cut from cherry lumber myself.