German Negation. It is declined as an ein-word. Er schläft nicht. When to use nicht. For e.g., Ich habe viel Geld. In German, it is called Befehlsform and the imperative sentence: Aufforderungssatz. The German negation or negatives sentences are formed with the word “nicht” (not) and “kein” (no/none). Trink ein Bier mit mir! The imperative is a grammar mood. Here's how you say it. He moved to Austria 3 months ago and is very happy. They are going to rent a car.. Mind the tenses in the sentences. In German, sentences can similarly be negated by inserting the negative adverb nicht into German sentences or by inserting the indefinite article kein into a noun phrase. In a sentence with two verb parts, such as the perfect tense and the passive, the part of haben, sein or werden comes after the subject and the negative word usually comes directly before the past participle or infinitive. Kein precedes the nouns in sentences. at the ende of a sentence with verbs in simple tenses i.e. Negate the sentences. Drink a beer with me! Sentences can also be made negative by adding "nicht" or using an antonym. Unfortunately the need for those negative adjectives doesn't disappear when you speak German. Good! The negative sentence will now read, Ich habe kein Geld. Need to translate "negative sentence" to German? Learn all about the dative case in German in this free online German lesson with easy-to-follow examples.So, once again, let's get straight to it. wir warten – we are waiting > wir warten nicht – we are not waiting. Nicht and kein are forms of negation, but nicht means not and kein means no, not a, or not any. This sentence can be made negative by changing the word "viel" to "kein." or He doesn't read a book. He’s not sleeping. There will be rain in the South tomorrow.. Mel speaks German.. We are writing a test.. The position of the negative doesn’t change in direct questions. Do you need help? Take Sean for example. In the following, we will have a look at the more complicated part of German negation and try the clear up when to use “kein” or “nicht” in a German sentence. Example: He reads a book. Lies den Text vor Read the text aloud. German Negation. the present or past tense. Simple sentence. es regnet – it is raining > es regnet nicht – it is not raining. Rewrite them to make them negative sentences. Show example. English Tenses. Listen to Thomas.. However, whereas English prefers sentence negation through the use of the adverb not, German prefers negation through the use of the indefinite article kein.. German Articles If you're trying to learn German Negation you will find some useful resources including a course about Negation and negative help you with your German grammar.Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist Stand up when you are on the ground. Karin played volleyball yesterday.. The following sentences have a positive connotation. You now know that the subject of a sentence is in the nominative case in German and the direct object is in the accusative case , right? Answer: He reads a book. He does not read a book. Kein is used to negate nouns that either have no articles or are preceded by the indefinite article.