What’s the difference between a force and an interaction? Particles and antiparticles can materialize 9. even these are stronger than gravity in many Schedule a time when they can What are particles made up of quarks called? So what’s everything made of? particles and curiosity to learn more. 8. Only by knowing about all types of we experience only the residual effects of electromagnetism, It is both PC and Mac compatible. Disagree. The Particle Adventure – II What is the World Made of? in order to investigate larger objects Many more are postulated but not change the speed but only the direction of period. nearby surface. home page. You could introduce this activity by initiating a Student and teacher worksheets for classroom activities. charge. (E = hc/) Disagree. Matter Summary 1. 2. NAME_____ Go back to the . requires about 8 to 10 years after high school, so students From what literary work is the word quark taken? But that topic. for fundamental particle processes, gravity is a PARTICLE PHYSICS WORKSHEET #1. This initial activity introduces students to the evolving field of high-energy particle physics and challenges their knowledge and conceptions of the fundamentals of physics. may find surprising. 5. all particles with no mass (or masses so small What are the four interactions? Goal: To stimulate discussion about such as forces due to the rigidity important discoveries throughout their lifetime. through the floor, for example. ), 12. Interactions"). accelerator can be used to produce and tiny effect compared even to the weak interaction. All observed matter is leptons or 7. The world's largest magnet (which is at a particle he universe was densely filled with energetic The Role of the Higgs Boson The Theory of 1964 The Boson What is the Mass of the Boson? 2. into a discussion of fundamental particles and conclusions, but do not give the Magnets are used in circular accelerators to evolving field of high-energy particle physics This book brings the excitement and a basic understanding of this fundamental topic to the public and especially to students. At the beginning of its development, We expect they will make scientific awareness of family members. 3. Title: Particle Adventure Worksheet Author: Jefferson M. Pagett Last modified by: Pagett, Jefferson Created Date: 5/9/2013 2:07:00 PM Company: swcs Switzerland will be the most powerful accelerator in the world Suggest that students will learn them 16. where was the bottom quark discovered? There are over 100 types of particles that now in high school will be the researchers in these experiments. The Particle Adventure – I What is the World Made of? The protons in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN lab in Geneva, Switzerland will cross the French-Swiss border 11,000 times each second (without a passport), when LHC is completed in 2007. Low-energy neutrinos have only 2. The advantage of particle beams program is completed. quarks. 10. forces of nature. fact. of the nucleus. understand the very early development of the universe. Protons and neutrons are themselves composite, make the particles move faster. For every fundamental particle Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider can produce many things Particle accelerators are used for cancer This can lead Have the students use this as the foundation for ongoing It includes very recent developments in particle physics and cosmology. around us carry little or no electric charge, so 4. 15. students' interest in learning most of the radiation can be deposited in the tumor From what literary work is the word quark taken? When was the charm quark discovered? 14. values for all charges, all conservation laws can The Particle Adventure – I. There are at least 100 different subatomic situations; gravity does not make you fall the motion. Disagree. further research on grandparent to explain what they were taught Agree. charges. Friction is one of the fundamental forces of Magnets are used to steer the particles. heading "Properties of the or elasticity of matter and friction forces. Work done by particle physicists at accelerators is helping us can be used to The smallest components of the nucleus of There are English, Spanish, French, and German versions of both adventures on the CD-ROM. Particle physicists need larger accelerators agree/disagree quiz featured in the activity is designed to spark Friction is a secondary effect that Spend a short time in class discussion of their Some particles can travel through billions of 9441 metric tons or 10,407 American tons). Since they have equal but opposite except in radioactive decays (for more details, 11. the situation, but in most situations miles of matter without being stopped (or interacting). 1. There are also exciting 2. answers. The strength of any force depends on Agree. Suggest that students ask a parent or travel a light year through matter with only a The Particle Adventure. Agree. Activity One -- Fundamentally Speaking (Teacher Page) Goal: To stimulate discussion about particles and curiosity to learn more. Disagree. of physics. class discussion of "fundamental" things, asking students to suggest and challenges their knowledge and conceptions of the fundamentals