Hold off from feeding for a month or two, and in future, try to avoid feeding more than 1 trap per week (especially on small plants). We spent a lot of time[…], Congrats! K. So the regular light is a 60 watt bulb. Traps can turn black for many different reasons, and most are not fatal to the plant. What is this "regular light" you're using? Simply snip it out and wait for new growth to replace the old trap. If your plant is continuing to put out new growth to replace the old traps, then you have nothing to worry about. Is your plant getting enough light? Do not use clay pots as salts tend to build up in them. This article explains what to do when you find your pitcher plant's leaves turning black. Discover the optimum night & day temperatures of all 160 species of Nepenthes and calculate the requirements of unusual hybrids with my Nepenthes Interactive Guide. The leaf might eventually shrivel but it shouldn't happen right away. Your plant is simply focusing its energy on producing new leaves. Sometimes the problem is environmental, sometimes not. If your growing conditions aren’t ideal, your plant’s traps may turn black every time they’re fed, or even if they haven’t been fed at all. What is your climate like? A pitcher plant can also go into shock when any of its needs aren’t being met. Like many other temperate plants, Venus flytraps require a cold winter dormancy in order to survive long-term. Depending on the species/hybrid, you might be able to just grow it outside. One thing a gardener never wants to see is their plant … As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. When pitcher plant (Nepenthes) leaves are turning black, it is usually the result of shock or a sign that the plant is going into dormancy. Make sure you're not keeping them in trays of water because unlike other carnivorous plants they do … For help with cultivation, or to discover where pitcher plant species grow naturally, check out my complete guide. If you’ve fed your Venus flytrap a tasty meal, only to have the trap turn black and die over the following days, don’t panic! Nepenthes usually drop pitchers after shipping as a normal part of the acclimation process. complete Venus flytrap growing guide here, Carnivorous plants for kids, w/ Green Fingered George, Q&A with Domonick Gravine of Redleaf Exotics, How to divide and repot Sarracenia, by Phil Wilson, 5 Gift Ideas for Carnivorous Plant Growers. Preventive care is usually your best bet when it comes to damaged foliage. Other Causes of Environmental Stress. FAQ: What should I feed my Venus flytrap? I would put the plant by the window but the problem is it is shaded by trees. There are more important things which you should tackle first if you wish to grow carnivorous plants successfully. Click here to learn more. I am giving it a uv light along with a regular light and at night I turn of those lights and use a night like. This requires a total evaluation of the system where they live; these plants are not the same as your philodendrons or gerbera daisies and they have very unique needs. In some cases the plant is salvageable. This probably isn’t fatal, so don’t panic. If you’re feeding your plant bugs, don’t give it anything larger than about 1/3 the size of the trap. Black Pitcher Plant Leaves – Why Nepenthes Leaves Are Turning Black Pitcher plant has specific needs, and it lets you know with alarming clarity when those needs aren't being met. You might also try putting your plant outside on a sunny day to let it try catching some food naturally. Repot if the media breaks down, the plant dries out too quickly, or plant size indicates a bigger pot. The hitchhiker[…], I have a dozen packs of these left, but a question[…], Thank you. Your plant will then begin producing new traps when the days get longer and temperatures rise. Stay up-to-date! This is a guaranteed way to cause the trap to rot. A number of factors can cause black leaf tips. In the northern hemisphere, this period typically lasts between November and February. I am a little worried about its health because shortly after I potted it the top of 2 of 3 pitchers on the plant started to blacken and it is spreading to the bottom. Plant leaves turn black for a number of reasons, including environmental factors and bacterial infections.