One advantage to breastfeeding is that it's free, since the milk is produced naturally in the mother's breasts after having a baby. Any trusted person of your choice can feed your baby. are bottle feeding your baby and want to start breastfeeding need to leave your baby and want to make sure they have some milk while you're away Introducing formula feeds can affect the amount of breast milk you produce. Putting in a jug of boiling water works as well. Bottle feeding can be very expensive. Bowel movements. Any feed after lunch time, baby boy will come away from boob crying. And that, for some moms, is enough reason to nurse. As it is shown in Figures Figures3 3 and and4, 4 , formula-fed children experience an acute decline in anthropometric markers during the first two months of life, when most of deaths occurred. Breast milk is readily available. Formula feeding is not as healthy as the breast. It's comforting to see how much your baby is taking at each feeding. Because some see it as a negative motherhood List of Cons of Bottle Feeding 1. After every feeding, wash bottles, nipples and anything you use to prepare the formula in hot soapy water. The introduction of formula feeding for averting the transmission of HIV imposes an additional handicap to an already malnourished population. In this particular discussion, the topic will be centered on formula feeding. One of the biggest decisions any new parent has to make is whether they are going to use baby formula or breastfeed their new arrival. Infant formula causes formed, brown stools that have a noticeable odor. Breast milk causes And that, for some moms, is enough reason to nurse. Mix feeding your baby enables others, for example your partner, to be involved in feeding the baby. At feeding time we put a bottle in the electric bottle warmer, takes about five minutes. Babies who take infant formula usually want to feed less often than babies who are breastfeeding. Even formula options can prove to be a disadvantage because there are so many choices and babies may not tolerate the parents' first choice. This page on the eMedTV Web site provides a list of some of the primary advantages and disadvantages of formula feeding. Formula can cost several hundred dollars per month, plus the expense of bottles and other necessary equipment. “To be honest, I wasn’t wild about breastfeeding,” says mom of three Jaclyn Santos, of Hazlet, New Jersey. So I’m currently EBF but starting to doubt my milk supply after a bout of mastitis. The decision to do one or the other – or a combination of both – is purely personal and depends on what's right for your family and circumstances. If you are bottle feeding, you must have formula, clean bottles, nipples, and other necessities with you at all times. Companies have been trying since the 1800's to get formula right and have made a lot of children sick along the way. It can be a hassle. Breastfeeding mothers also have to be careful about the types of medications they take, as these substances can also pass into breast milk. Let us look at the particular contentions on the advantages and disadvantages of this feeding method for babies. The tube feeding formula may overflow 4.5 5. Bottle feeding is a common topic of debate among many mothers and health care specialist for significant reasons. Breastfeeding or formula feeding should be a choice that all moms get to make for themselves, without fear of being judged, shamed, or guilted for … It is perfectly fine to give your baby formula and breast feed; I would suggest asking your paediatrician what The benefits of this is twofold – as not only will having your partner, relative or friend feeding the baby with a bottle of formula milk You do not need to make formula before feeding, worry about clean water, or carry it with you when you go out or travel. Research and discussion on the pros and cons of baby formula versus breast milk have been ongoing for years, and there are some pretty convincing arguments for both sides. Although formula provides all of the nutrients a baby needs to grow and thrive, there are advantages and disadvantages to choosing to feed a baby with formula. Formula provides a certain element of freedom for parents and other caregivers, particularly because any adult is capable of feeding the baby at any time, precluding mom as the sole food source. Mothers' feeding preferences for their preterm infant may be similar to those found in mothers of full-term infants, who choose to bottle feed infant formula. However, some factors might lead you to consider formula-feeding. Get information on breastfeeding and formula feeding benefits and disadvantages. Feeding frequency. It would frankly be frightening if … In many of the name brand formulas you all know of like 6 . All of this can be difficult to keep up with and lug around 5. Discover how to handle breast soreness and discomfort. Before I became a mom, I was adamant that I would exclusively breast feed my baby. Why some moms formula feed their baby. Formula Feeding Many babies in the United States receive nourishment by way of infant formula, either in place of breast milk or in addition to it. Here are some points to consider: Pros Anyone Can Feed Them This gives Mum a chance to be away from her baby for several hours without having to pump, which can be extremely convenient when returning to work or leaving your baby with a nanny . While formula feeding can be more convenient for a mother, it is more costly than breastfeeding. This includes a trip to the store or a restaurant. My bond with our daughter did not suffer as a result of formula-feeding. After a while of not breast feeding and only pumping, the milk starts to go down, so eventually she is mainly on formula. On the other side of the debate, formula feeding is also an excellent choice for your baby -- but it has its drawbacks, too. . Convenient These considerations extend not only to the baby but to the mother as well. Put the nipple in your baby's mouth. List of Pros of Bottle Feeding 1. Bottle feeding is usually easier for mothers and babies to learn. Formula feeding: Positives The formula tends to stay longer in your baby’s stomach, so you can feed less frequently. Read about common breastfeeding problems and pumping tips, and learn about how certain foods in a mother's diet affect her nursing baby. Bottle-feeding, on the other hand, can get expensive, according to