AKTIVERINGSHASTIGHED: Horde-makrotaster: 5,0 ms Horde Membranical-taster: 7,8 ms Standardmembrantastatur: 9,0 ms. Indstillingshjulet og -tasterne leverer hurtig og intuitiv kontrol med multimedier, belysning, lysstyrke, dpi, lydstyrke og meget mere og kan tilpasses fuldt ud efter hver gamers behov. De speciallavede taster er designet og konstrueret fra bunden med henblik på at forbedre tasteforskel og -præcision. For instance, the Kone AIMO gaming mouse and Khan AIMO gaming headset are also available in these colors. On the left side of the media bar you can find the standard media keys to control your media playback, compatible with all common software like Spotify, VLC and many more. It acts like the keyboard shift key, just for additional functions. To make this possible, we were able to reduce the actuation speed from 9.0ms (common membrane keyboard) to 7.8ms (assuming a normal typing speed). We have a special shape for our macro keys which allows for fast execution while being able to distinguish them easily from other keys to avoid accidental presses. 11 dedicated media keys. ROCCAT ® Horde AIMO. Indstillingshjulet drejer frit 360 grader i nøjagtige, mærkbare trin og giver mulighed for nøjagtig kontrol på farten. On the right side you can find toggle keys, which set the tuning wheel function. A faster actuation point means that your key press is recognized faster by your computer and ultimately by your game. ROCCAT ® Horde. En kolonne af fem afstemte makrotaster med lav profil ligger langs kanten af hovedområdet med taster på Horde AIMO, så de har den perfekte position til hurtig og præcis brug. Deutsch, Freeware, kostenloser Download! This allows you to change the tuning wheel function on-the-fly without the need to make previous adjustments in the software. Uanset, hvor mange handlinger du foretager pr. The Horde keyboards are available in black, grey and white, which match the colors of our other products to facilitate themed setups. Get your benefit and more by registering your ROCCAT product to your account . Fingerspidsdesignet forbedrer tasteskellet, og øformen er modstandsdygtig over for snavs, kontrol på farten med multimedier, belysning og meget mere, lavprofiltaster, som forhindrer utilsigtede tastetryk, belysning i flere farver, der kan konfigureres, og med flere zoner, intelligent belysning, som harmoniseres på tværs af enheder, ergonomisk design, som er behageligt selv i lange spilsessioner. Dedicated to high quality in-house gear design and engineering, future driven, German created, internationally minded. No problem, we are here for you! They can be assigned to several keys, for instance the designated macro keys or as an Easy-Shift[+] function on other keys. (The QIG is available in pdf file format (Please note: Adobe Reader needed). USB 2.0 (or higher), Internet connection (for driver software). The far right key is freely programmable in our Swarm to allow custom tuning wheel functions. Unlike common dedicated media keys, we have two kinds. De aktiveres endnu hurtigere end hovedtasterne, så man afgive skud lynhurtig. While Easy-Shift[+] is pressed, other buttons and keys have a new function when pressed. This also works the other way around: for example, you can use Easy-Shift[+] on the mouse to change functions on the keyboard. Our dedicated support team is comprised of techies and gamers who know just about everything there is to know about ROCCAT® products and, if they can't help you, nobody can. Swarm is ROCCAT's driver suite. Du bliver dækket ind for alle relevante spilplatforme og -enheder. Further, our technology offers faster signal execution, which makes each key stroke and each command register faster when gaming. Indstillingshjulet er også fuldt kompatibelt med Windows 10 Dial-funktionen, hvilket gør Horde AIMO til det første tastatur på markedet med denne funktion. De nyudviklede Membranical-taster fra ROCCAT er designet helt fra bunden og har det bedste fra både mekaniske taster og membrantaster.