Commentary Singapore Commentary: The education system is changing, but does true change remain elusive? Singapore’s mindset could hold it back from providing the leaders of the digital revolution. Discussions, homework and quizzes are set to replace marks and grades as the preferred method of collecting information on the performance of young primary school pupils. Each aspect of the education system is well-implemented: their alignment and coherence have caused Singapore’s scucess. With the move to roll out Applied … Each educational level builds upon the previous stages and lays the foundation for subsequent ones. For example, primary school students start by learning to know and love Singapore. Nonetheless, the changes will bring about drastic effects on the way. Singapore’s education system needs a mindset shift . The school-education approach has not moved in tandem with the rest of the changes that time and technology have brought about globally. Image credit: Nicola Sap De Mitri. As Professor Ng puts it: “The way that Singapore has approached these changes matters even more than the changes themselves (2017, p.179).” Dr Lim Lai Chang at Singapore Management University made the case even more strongly: “It doesn’t matter what your … With the upcoming changes in Singapore education system, I am confident that the Singapore education system flaws will be overshadowed by its benefits. Starting in 2019, exams for primary years 1 and 2 students will be abolished. The new changes in the Singapore education system are extremely beneficial. With regards to the development of Singapore education system, this country has achieved many positive changes and improvements through key stages of reforms. But change is in the air as the island state rethinks its approach to education. The issue of how the Singapore education system is too stressful, however, is one that is unlikely to be resolved easily. The Key Stage Outcomes spell out what the Education Service aspires to develop in our students through Primary, Secondary, and Post-Secondary2 education. The digital revolution needs innovators and creative thinkers as its leaders. They help to solve the problems and complaints that currently exist, as well as to address the criticisms that had been associated with the education system. Singapore has developed an education system which is centralised (despite significant decentralisation of authority in recent years), integrated, coherent and well-funded.