Examples of the growth of slow food in the United States can be found in many major cities, like San Francisco, California, New York City, New York, or Portland, Oregon. Soaring Obesity Stats and What's in your This movement was founded by Carlo Petrini and declares that it maintains cultural cuisine and related plants and animals as well as farming within an ecoregion. _ by Mark Bittman and _ Junk Food Versus Slow Food _ by Nancy Folbre offer enough truths to motivate individuals to cook in the house. Slow food is locally grown, usually organic, artisanal, and healthy food. You can even eat healthy for less than it costs to eat fast food … Obesity 3. Significant amount of exercise 2. Some are stuck on fast foods, unable to prepare proper foods in their houses. More Calories 2. Others dread such foods, citing health consequences linked with the high salt and calorie content of such foods. SLOW FOOD/vs FAST FOOD . Impact on the environment 1. The Slow food movement originated in Italy in 1986 as an attempt to combat fast food through opposing the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant near the Spanish steps in Rome. Fast food is viewed in different ways by different consumers. Desi termenul a fost introdus in 1951, conceptul de alimente gata-preparate a existat inca din Roma antica ( ex. And a “slow food” movement to promote appreciation of food and the cultural experience of shared meals is becoming widespread worldwide. Cardiovascular Disease 5. Liver damage 4. When considering fast food vs. home-cooked meals, remember that restaurant meals are much less nutritious in their calorie, fat, sugar and sodium content. on a large scale with standard ingredients and standardised cooking and production methods. The posts _ Is Scrap Food Really Cheaper? Healthy Foods. "Slow eating has been shown to be associated with decreased energy intake, increased satiety, and higher pleasantness ratings of meals," she said. This reenergized interest in eating healthy foods and taking time to enjoy it - while supporting American farmers - is in direct opposition to the fast food and fast life mindset which many US citizens adhere to. While slow eaters might feel pressured to catch up to everyone else, Hormes notes that there are some real health perks to being a slow eater. Slow food – the opposite of fast food – is food that is good for those who eat it, good for farmers and workers, and good for the planet. Fast Food Vs. Fast food este o miscare care s-a dezvoltat ca urmare a cresterii societatii de consum si se refera la alimentele preparate si servite rapid. "Slow food shouldn't have to cost more than fast food. paine cu vin servita in piete). Addicting Ingredients 3. People in over one hundred countries have become unofficial members of the "slow food" movement. Fast Food Modern commercial fast food is often highly processed and prepared in an industrial fashion, i.e. Out of these 2 short articles, Folbre’s particular technique to argumentation makes her writing exceptionally convincing and sensible promoting cooking at home. Slow food tries to preserve traditional and regional foods, while also promoting sustainability. While fast food may be convenient, healthy food is better for maintaining your weight, getting the right amount of essential nutrients in your diet and keeping yourself healthy. VS Disadvantages of Fast Food Disadvantages of Fast Food Facts of Fast Food 1.