It involves elements of both engineering and art. Technology ArchitectureThe design of technology infrastructure such as networks and computing facilities. As technology has advanced towards a new stage, which is the modern building technology, the nature and value of architecture started to shift and adapt as well. Architecture is an industry defined by evolution. Modern architecture also requires knowledge of business, law, sustainability and other areas required to deliver buildings that satisfy a variety of … Technology definitely being its favourite tool, digital architecture redefines the solution design process and shifts the focus from the problem to experience. Technology Architecture. Systems Architecture Designing systems that automate work. The industrial revolution was a key period in architectural and social developments. Take Brunelleschi’s dome atop the Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, which took influence from Rome’s ancient Pantheon but achieved its monumental scale through genius use of Renaissance mathematics. The birth of modern technology is as the result of architects using experimental science and engineering theory and tools to inform the form and construction of their buildings. A model or template that describes how the technology standards come together to support or enable the delivery of solutions. The technology architecture underpins the other architectures, providing a description of the logical, physical and virtual infrastructure that supports the execution of application services, which in turn support information and business functions and services. What is it? TOGAF calls it a ‘Technical Reference Model’, though I’ve always just heard it called ‘technical reference architecture’. Architecture is the design and planning of buildings and other physical structures. “We believe that blockchain technology will be transformative in the tech and IT sector in the coming years, similar to what the internet did for the world back in the 90s and early 2000s,” said John Zanni, President of the Acronis Foundation, in Forbes. Business Architecture Analysis and design of business structures. Blockchain technology can be used to prevent tampering, keeping data secure and allowing participants to verify a file’s authenticity. For example, an analysis of current business capabilities, gaps between capabilities and strategy and a roadmap for future capabilities. There may be many reference architectures defined, depending on the patterns in use within the enterprise. Technology & Architecture.