Throwing up is a common symptom of pregnancy and is referred to as morning sickness, although you can experience nausea and vomiting throughout the day. Vomiting can be a necessary bodily function occurring after eating something toxic to the body. This feeling of nausea can occur at any time throughout the day. In fact, experts estimate that up to 80% of pregnant women experience … During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, you may have what is commonly referred to as "morning sickness." Eat foods rich in vitamin B6 such as whole grains, low-fat milk products, fat-free products, lean meat, seafood, poultry, nuts, ... (Nei Guan) point may reduce the severity and frequency of vomiting during pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are the most common symptoms that women experience.This is especially true during the first months of pregnancy, or the first trimester. Nausea and vomiting is part of morning sickness symptoms numerous women go through when they are pregnant especially during the first trimester. These symptoms affect about 65% of women during pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting often happen in the morning. This point is located at about three finger breadths under the wrist on the inner forearm between the tendons . 8.Snacks. "Food digests more slowly during pregnancy, increasing pregnancy-related nausea/vomiting as well as heartburn. The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but it is likely due to the drastic changes that occur during pregnancy, such as an increase in estrogen levels. It can also be somewhat unnecessary, such as when you vomit in early pregnancy, or be caused by suffering from a gastrointestinal infection or from food poisoning. Eating a blander diet lower in … notes that morning sickness affects between 50 and 90 percent of pregnant women. 8 Best Foods to Eat After Vomiting Posted By: DR John Times Read: 7328 Vomiting is a common symptom of motion sickness, morning sickness, or gastroenteritis — an inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by an infection, such as the stomach flu or food-borne illness. However, it could occur any time of the day.