Altered chords. We're using the same V chord voicing in our Part 2 Gospel progression. D7+5 (D7#5) altered chord Altered D chord for piano presented by keyboard diagrams. Let's take another detour before we move into our altered chords for our Gospel progression Part 2 article. C7-9 D7-9 E7-9 F7-9 G7-9 A7-9 B7-9 Watch the video on altered chords to see a demo of our Gospel chord progression 2 on altered chords. Explanation: The B7+5 alter the B7 by the change of one note. Adding alterations is done by either raising of flattening the upper extension of the 5 chord in a 251 progression. Altered chords were very much a staple of jazz music at one time. D7+5 stands for D seven plus five … If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. How to practice altered jazz voicings? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Now we're back to our I chord in our 6-2-5-1 Gospel chord progression. In this Video & Cards article, we showcased augmented chords and how they're used in Part 2 of our Gospel Progression. We're starting out in the key of E flat Major again in our "Gospel Progression Part 2 article. 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Bb7+5 chord ‹ Previous • Next › C7+5 chord, B Bm B7 Bm7 Bmaj7 BmM7 B6 Bm6 B6/9 B5 B9 Bm9 Bmaj9 B11 Bm11 B13 Bm13 Bmaj13 Badd B7-5 B7+5 Bsus Bdim Bdim7 Bm7b5 Baug Baug7. The root is played in octaves in the left hand while the right hand plays what very convincingly looks like a G flat Major chord. Chord Context | The Secret that Makes Music Simple, The 11th to 7th Chord Cycle | Pro Chords Only 4 Fingers. We used it in Gospel progression Part 1. However, they're quite common in most all styles of music today. Notice that it's voiced the same as in the beginning of our progression. Let's play this simple chord vamp again known as plagal cadence, which I stated in our last article as a I chord to a IV chord. It just includes the root and the dominant 7th. We're using the 1-6-2-5 Chord Progression just as we did in Gospel Progression | Part 1. The great thing about altered chords is that they add so much to a chord progression. It's the IV chord over the V chord which is structurally an 11th chord. You've probably noticed that altered tones are not native to the chord in which they're added to. They're often used as transitional chords that are played between the main chords in a song, but as you'll see in this article, they can also be used on the actual chord tones of the progression. In jazz, the term altered chord, notated as an alt chord (e.g. Theory: Compared to B7 the third tone in the chord is sharpened The tone is one half step higher. In other words, they're not diatonic notes. All Rights Reserved. This D flat Major chord is based on the flatted 7th tone of the key of E flat. This is true especially in Gospel music. You can cycle through this plagal cadence a few times and then proceed to the rest of our Gospel chord progression. The preceding altered chords have created tension that have now been resolved by a minor 7 chord. Of course, it's also an option to play the B flat in left hand octaves and the rest of the chord in the right because the tones are so close together. Altered B chord for piano presented by keyboard diagrams. I'm the creator of the Color Score Professional/Visual Chord Learning System. I love to share ideas and concepts about piano and keyboard playing in all styles of music. Just as I stated in our last article, notice how the 7 different colors represent the 7 different notes in the key. You can play this chord voicing with the root and 5th of B flat in left hand and the A flat triad in the right. diatonic triad or seventh chord that has had one or more pitches lowered or raised by a half step We could go straight to the ii chord, but let's showcase another altered chord by passing through the flat ii chord. Here, we're playing an E9 flat 5 chord as a passing chord before we move to the ii chord. Altered chords are thus constructed using the following notes, some of which may be omitted: Put them together and you get an E flat minor 7 chord. That is the 9th and the 5th. C7+5 D7+5 E7+5 F7+5 G7+5 A7+5 B7+5. Let me also add that the left hand E flat 7 chord is also known as a shell voicing. Most (but not all) altered chords are dominant 7th chords. (Yes this is a different article than last time) Our I chord is a simple E flat Major chord. This plagal cadence will take us back to the I chord as it did last time. While still keeping the E flat in octaves in your left hand, we'll play a D flat Major chord in our right hand. Notice we're still playing the IV chord over the I chord.