Under “My theme,” click More Edit HTML. 5. When you’ve established an entire brand or identity around your blog, it’s harder to change that when you have 1500 posts instead of 500. Video Tutorial . You will have same blog, but different URL. Now click on edit option and enter your new blog name. Blogger returns you to the … For Example: AUBSP.com. Some blogger initially start blogging career with writing on some different things including Finance, Shopping, Social Media, News, Online Marketing, Technology etc. Finally, replace the old blog name with new one and click on save changes. The Display name. Change your … Click on blog title and go to the setting tab from left sidebar menu. How to start a blog for free? Change your social media account names (don’t forget Goodreads!). By mistake, if you created a blogger blog with a different name and then you realise that blog name does not fit as your Blogspot blog name, then follow below simple three steps. Make your changes and click Save. This opens your Blogger profile. It doesn't need to, but it will help users identify about what is your blog. Choose the blog to update. Step 4: Press Ctrl+F to search for . Click on setting option from the left side menu, then select the basic option. You can upload an image from your computer, or you can link to an image online. But, after sometime they realize the importance of having a personal blog for sharing knowledge through posting contents, images and videos and for making money online. If you’ve changed your blog title recently, then it will take some time … Step 1: Go to your blogger dashboard. Step 2: Click on Template. 6. This is one of the keen part of your decision while changing your blog URL. How to Change your Blog Name in Blogger Things can go as you never predicted. Sign in to Blogger. Many of them even don’t know why and for which purpose they had created that blog. Step-3: Now, click on edit text link button (Shown in the screenshot below) next to Tile displayed on top under basic heading. Add or change your Profile Photo. This tutorial is also helpful for those using our Blogger templates, which include titles and taglines that you can customize yourself. Learn more about: cookie policy, How to hide or remove Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget, How to start a Free Blog and Make Money in 2021, How to remove blogger Subscribe to Post Comments (Atom) link, Google AdSense Approval Process 2021: Activated Account, Analysis of AdSense Revenue with Responsive Screen Resolutions, NO GST for Blogger | AdSense, Affiliate, Direct Advertisements, Wire Transfer Payments for AdSense publishers in India, Mobile Traffic Monetization with Page-level Ads by AdSense, How to Insert Custom CSS Codes into Blogger Blog, Blog in Your Own Language with Blogger Transliteration, Add Structured Data mark up for Rich Search Results, Why Blogger Want To Rename Their Blog Name and Address, Things to be noted while changing URL and Name of your blog, How to Change the Name of your blogger Blog, Hostinger Web Hosting is Popular for Uptime, Security and Support Services. Step-2: Click on blog title and go to the setting tab from left sidebar menu. To edit it, click the "Edit Profile" button. You can change the blog address or URL of any existing blog without thinking of creating a new blog and exporting existing content. The name which displaying in your blogger posts is the profile name of your Google plus. Login to your Blogger account 2. If your blog is not hosted on Blog*Spot, you can't remember your blog's URL, or you don't have a blog, enter your email address below and we'll look up your account information. The blog URL is nothing but SubDomain associated with BlogSpot.com domain like Example.blogspot.com. If you wish to change it then this post is for you. However, if you want to name your blog in two or more words then you may use the short custom/sub domain viz. Click on your blog title 3. To change your display name, click on your name in the upper-right corner of the Blogger dashboard and select "Blogger Profile" from the drop-down menu. LADbible started off where the company name was the same as the blog name. Follow these simple steps to rename your blog and give a new brand name. Many novice create their blog on Blogger.com just for fun and named it without planning. Follow, the first and second steps as mentioned above and then proceed for the next steps hereunder. First off go to your blogger dashboard. Change your blog name (the physical bit of text in the WordPress/Blogger settings area). you are Done. How to make money with a blog for beginners? how to change your blog name in blogger. Finally, replace the old blog name with new … and thereafter decide to write on something else or choose a specific topic according to their knowledge base.