As you get further into your pregnancy it is possible that you aren't getting enough to eat if you are still waking up hungry. Huger will go away once you eat something, and the odd-hour hunger pangs may eventually decrease as you near the end of the third trimester. Many women experience late-night hunger during pregnancy as well. So, during these first 13 weeks, if you are waking up feeling hungry at night it could be because you are feeling nauseous. How to Satisfy Hunger During Pregnancy. Hunger pangs during pregnancy might rarely need medical assistance as they could be the body’s way of telling you that you need nourishment. Many women find that nausea and hunger go hand in hand. While it is acceptable to indulge in cravings occasionally, what you eat nourishes your child, too. During pregnancy you may well find that no matter how much or how often you eat, you may still feel ravenous night and day. Many pregnant women struggle with hunger and cravings. During pregnancy, women have higher blood levels, which need calories to maintain themselves This causes intense hunger and food cravings. This usually may happen between week 7 and 12, where you might start disliking foods you previously liked and develop cravings for other food. Hunger at night while pregnant may be symptom of gestational diabetes, which is blood sugar elevation during pregnancy. Latest research suggests that a pregnant mum only needs 200 extra calories a day in her last trimester .