There are 5 drying methods that work with basil leaves. Keep in mind that you cannot dry your whole harvest in one go using a microwave. A food dehydrator is an effective way to dry your basil without the drawbacks that come with using the microwave. With your harvested fresh basil leaves on the kitchen table, you’re ready for the next phase of the process. Make sure you don’t get strong wind that would blow the leaves away. In other words, if the original recipe calls for two teaspoons of finely chopped fresh basil, you can simply substitute the amount with one teaspoon of dried basil leaves. Triple Herb Stuffing Recipe For Christmas Season, 5 Best Potting Soil Brands: How To Choose The Right Mix For Your Garden, 15 DIY Herb Gardens To Grow Alongside Your Kiddos, Improve Air Quality And Sleep With An Air Purifiers for Bedrooms, Garlic Info: How To Grow And Harvest Garlic, Jade Plant Propagation – How to Plant and Care for Jade Plants, 10 Indoor Herb Gardens That Will Test Your Green Thumb, Yellow Tomato Leaves – Why Tomato Leaves Turn Yellow. The above conversion ratio can be used when you want to substitute fresh basil for dried basil, or vice versa. They’re designed to dry food items, it’s right there in the name. What makes basil even more appealing as a plant from a gardener’s point of view is how easy it is to grow, harvest, and store it. It is sensitive to cold temperatures so the best way to grow it is inside a greenhouse where you have control over the temperature and humidity levels. The oven might get rid of the moisture in the leaves but if you’re not careful it could burn them as well. They will take up to 4 weeks depending on how dry the air is before you can collect them and keep them in jars. Use a well-balanced soil with pH levels between 6.5 and 7. When the amount of fresh basil your recipe calls for is less than the big bunch you bought, it's always a race against the clock to use up every leaf before it starts to go south — not to mention a heart-breaker when it does. They include oregano, tarragon, thyme, savory and cilantro. Start by cutting fresh basil from your garden or grab that extra from the fridge. When substituting dried basil for its fresh counterpart in recipes, it is important to keep in mind that the conversion ratios should only be used as a rule of thumb as dried herbs tend to lose flavor quickly, thereby altering the optimal ratios. It’s not weather reliant and you can do it just about any time you feel like. Either gather the adult leaves as they mature on the plant and dry them in patches, or wait for the end of the summer and gather all the leaves together in one patch. You can allow the top 2 inches of the soil to go dry. Which one you choose depends on your resources, the time and patience you have, and how good you want your dried basil leaves to be for the rest of the year. Basil is the herb of choice for many chefs thanks to the strong aromas it adds to various dishes. Essential for every kitchen, this groundbreaking book is now available on Amazon. This is thanks to flavonoids and anthocyanins. Keep the leaves away from each other so they don’t stick together. Most experts recommend using twice as much fresh as you would dried basil. Ginger: Substitute 1/4 teaspoon dry ground ginger for every 1 teaspoon of freshly grated gingerroot. Make sure the temperature is in the mid-fifties Fahrenheit. Now you need to tie them in bundles and hang them by the stems to dry in an airy place. Store them in a labeled jar or container for future use. A well-drained soil helps the plant grow healthier. Don’t handle the leaves roughly since they break easily. As part of the mint family, basil (Ocimum basilicum) has many varieties including: As an annual herb, basil favors hot and dry weather conditions. Your basil will be dried and ready to use in about two weeks or when the leaves are dark green, dry and brittle to the touch. This will encourage the basil plant to grow more leaves. The fresh leaves of common Genovese basil can be used to flavor a wide variety of dishes from pasta sauces to salads and fish. After the timer has gone off, turn off your oven and leave basil to continue drying overnight. Two tablespoons of chopped fresh basil, you can substitute the quantity with one tablespoon of dried basil leaves. Plan your harvesting early in the morning when the leaves are fresh before the hot weather degrades their aroma. As a dedicated gardener, nothing tastes better than the food you grow in your garden with your own heads. Set the microwave to medium and the timer for 20 seconds at a time. Use a large pot since the roots of the basil plant don’t do well in shallow pots. But it does need your full attention. If the soil is heavy, add some sand to balance it out and improve aeration. Nothing says you know your way around the kitchen, and the garden for that matter, than a sprig of basil in your homemade lasagna or a few leaves floating majestically in your bowl of punch. In addition to these flavors, the herb has its nutritional values. But what if you want to make your favorite Italian-style pasta sauce but just realized you have neither fresh nor dried basil at home?