During my classes I focus on the active skills of language, speaking and writing. Italian adjectives – How to describe a person in italian (Watch the video !) When we have to describe someone or something, we usually don't find the more appropriate adjectives. For English I offer ONLY pronunciation exercises. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, Italian-English Dictionary - The Letter H, Form Third Conjugation Verbs in Italian Using -Ire, Italian Slang Dictionary: Adult 'F' Words, Zuppa di Alfabeto: Italian Abbreviations and Acronyms, Italian Indefinite Articles - Articoli Indeterminativi, M.A., Italian Studies, Middlebury College. Over the last years I've became specialized in one-to-one or small groups lessons because in this way I can create a tailored programme for each student. The lessons are always a good combination of speaking, reading and grammar. In all these years I have given private lessons of Italian, English, Spanish and Japanese, at the moment the most required language. Do you simply love Italian language and culture ? Her explanations are very clear as well. She understands our needs well and the lessons are tailored to give us a good learning experience. I got Master Degree in Law in 2010. beginning with consonant, except where we must use the adjectives "bello" and "begli". Mojra had some interesting material on the subject and some exercises that both helped me to practice and, at the same time, taught me some interesting things about Italy. Buongiorno gente! I speak English (level c1) and Spanish (level c2) well enough to explain something to you in one of those languages just in case you need. My name is Mojra and I'm a qualified mother tongue tutor. I teach Italian and English at school, and Spanish and French as a freelancer. Elena is a well skilled teacher with patience and a great personality. I will help you, in a simple but effective way, to learn your favorite language(s). I attended specialization courses for Italian L2 teachers and I am interviewer for C1 PLIDA exam. These shoes are comfortable. I'll wait for you on my profile for the trial lesson and discover an easy and fun method to learn a language as soon as possible. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? Hello everyone! After my degree I moved to Berlin, where I learned German for a year. [ricoprire di zinco] to coat sth. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student's goals. Take language lessons with a native teacher, Italian alphabet and pronunciation (letters,...), Function of Italian words (subject, object), Exercise on Italian articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian articles definite or Indefinite articles - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian partitive and indefinite articles - Drag text, Review on Italian articles categories - Drag and drop, Italian definite articles (il, lo, la, i, gli, le), Exercise on Italian definite articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian definite articles - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian masculine definite articles, Exercise on Italian feminine definite articles - Single choice set, Italian indefinite articles (un, uno, una), Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles - Drag text, Exercise on Italian indefinite articles Un and Un' - Single choice set, Italian partitive articles (dei, degli, delle, ...), Exercise on Italian partitive articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian singular partitive articles - Drag text, Exercise on Italian plural partitive articles - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian partitive articles vs articulated prepositions - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian numbers 1-10 - Drag and drop, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers 1-10 - Drag text, Exercise on Italian numbers 1-100 - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers 1-100 - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian numbers over 100 - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian ordinal numbers over 100 - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian numbers - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian masculine and feminine nouns - Single choice set, Exercise on the regular masculine and feminine formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the irregular masculine and feminine formation - Drag text, Exercise on regular and irregular masculine and feminine formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on plural nouns formation - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular Italian plurals (Invariable and defective nouns) - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular Italian nouns (countable and uncountable nouns) - Drag and drop, Exercise on irregular Italian plural (Gender changes and overabundant nouns) - Single choice set, Italian modifying suffixes (diminutives, ...), Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (diminutives) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (terms of endearment) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian modifying suffixes (augmentatives and pejoratives) - Drag text, Exercise on the use of Italian modifying suffixes (diminutivi, vezzeggiativi, accrescitivi, peggiorativi) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on false alterates - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular declension of adjective in Italian - Drag text, Exercise on adjective agreement with more than one noun - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the order of qualifying adjectives in Italian - Single choice set, Exercise on the two functions of the adjectives - Single choice set, Exercise on irregular qualifying adjectives - Drag text, Possessive adjectives in Italian (my, your, his/her...), Exercise on possessive adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the third person possessive adjective - Drag text, Exercise on the use of possessive adjectives - Single choice set, Demonstrative adjectives in Italian (this, that), Exercise on demonstrative adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the order of Italian demonstrative adjectives - Single choice set, Indefinite adjectives in Italian (some, any...), Exercise on indefinite adjectives - Drag text, Exercise on the indefinite adjectives declension - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the use of indefinite adjectives -Single choice set, Numeral adjectives in Italian (one, the first...), Exercise on cardinal numeral adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on ordinal numeral adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Interrogative adjectives in Italian (what/which,...), Exercise on interrogative adjectives - Drag text, Exercise on the interrogative adjective declension - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian personal subject pronouns - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian personal subject pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian pronouns tu (informal) and Lei (formal) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian stressed complement pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian unstressed pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian double object pronouns - Multiple choice, Relative pronouns (who, that, which, ...) in Italian, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns (che, cui) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns (Il quale) - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian relative pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Possessive pronouns in Italian (mine, yours, his, ...), Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, ...) in Italian, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian demonstrative pronouns - Fill in the Blanks, Indefinite pronouns (few, some, many, ...) in Italian, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian indefinite pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Interrogative pronouns (who, what, which) in Italian, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Chi, Che cosa) - Simple choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Quale) - Multiple choice, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns (Quanto) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian interrogative pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Reflexive pronouns in Italian (myself, each other), Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Drag text, Exercise on Italian reflexive pronouns - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "di" - Drag text, Translation of the Italian preposition "a" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "da" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "in" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "con" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "su" - Fill in the blanks, Translation of the Italian preposition "per" - Fill in the blanks, Italian prepositions "tra/ fra" (between, among,...), Translation of the Italian prepositions "tra/fra" - Fill in the blanks, Learn how to translate "to" in Italian - Fill in the blanks, Test on preposition "to" in Italian - Drag text, Questions about preposition "to" in Italian, Exercise on Italian prepositions of place - Drag text, Exercise on Italian prepositions of time - Drag text, Exercise on Italian prepositions of place and time - Fill in the blanks, Simple preposition chart - English to Italian, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to italian) - Drag text, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to italian) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the function of Italian simple prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on translation of simple prepositions (English to Italian) - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian simple prepositions - Question set, Exercise on Italian articulated prepositions - Drag text, Exercise on Italian articulated prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on the use of Italian articulated prepositions - Simple choice set, Exercise on expressions with Italian prepositions - Drag text, Exercise on expressions with Italian prepositions - Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of manner (good, bad, so), Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of manner - Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of frequency and time (always, now), Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time (adverbial phrases) - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of time - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place - Drag and Drop, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place (adverbial phrases) - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on Italian adverbs of place- Fill in the blanks, Italian adverbs of quantity (more, nothing, enough), Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Drag Text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian adverbs of quantity - Fill in the blanks, Italian affirmation/negation adverbs (Yes, No, Neither), Exercise on Italian affirmation adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian affirmation adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian negation adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian negation adverbs - Single choice set, Italian adverbs of doubt, interrogative/exclamative, Exercise on Italian adverbs of doubt - Drag text, Exercise on Italian adverbs of doubt - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on Italian interrogative/exclamative adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on Italian interrogative/exclamative adverbs - Fill in the blanks, Italian comparatives, superlatives (adjectives/adverbs), Exercise on the comparative adjectives- Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular forms of the comparative of majority - Single choice set, Exercise on the superlative adjectives - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on irregular forms of the superlative - Fill in the blanks, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Drag text, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Single choice set, Exercise on comparative and superlative adverbs - Fill in the blanks, Present tense in Italian (presente indicativo), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the presente indicativo, Match the personal pronoun to the correct form of the presente indicativo, Present perfect (passato prossimo) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato prossimo, Choose the correct form of the auxiliary verb, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the imperfetto, Choose the correct form of the imperfetto, Drag the conjugated verbs in the text to complete the story, Past perfect (trapassato prossimo) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the trapassato prossimo, Absolute past tense (passato remoto) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato remoto, Choose the correct tense: passato prossimo or passato remoto, Preterite perfect tense (trapassato remoto) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the trapassato remoto, Match the correct form of the trapassato remoto to the box with the correct personal pronoun, Future tense in Italian (futuro semplice), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the futuro semplice, Match the correct form of the futuro semplice to the box with the correct personal pronoun, Future perfect in Italian (futuro anteriore), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the futuro anteriore, Choose the correct option between futuro semplice and futuro anteriore to complete the sentences, Functions and classification of Italian verbs, Choose whether the following statements are true or false, Transitive and intransitive verbs in Italian, Choose whether the verb in the sentence is transitive or intrasitive, Active voice and passive voice in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the following simple tenses in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the following compound tenses in Italian, First conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -are), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the first conjugation, Conjugation of abitare (to dwell) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb abitare in Italian, Drag the correct form of abitare into the correct space, Conjugation of amare (to love) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb amare, Conjugation of giocare (to play) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of giocare, Drag the correct form of the verb giocare, Conjugation of lavorare (to work) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form lavorare, Drag the correct form of lavorare into the correct space, Conjugation of mangiare (to eat) in Italian, Choose the correct form of the verb mangiare, Drag the correct form of mangiare into the correct space, Conjugation of parlare (to speak) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of parlare, Drag the correct form of parlare into the correct space, Conjugation of studiare (to study) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb studiare, Drag the correct form of studiare into the correct space, Conjugation of pagare (to pay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of pagare, Second conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -ere), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs of to the second conjugation, Drag the correct -ere verb to complete the sentences, Conjugation of ricevere (to receive) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of ricevere in Italian, Drag the correct form of ricevere into the correct space, Conjugation of vendere (to sell) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of vendere in Italian, Drag the correct form of vendere into the correct space, Third conjugation in Italian (verbs ending in -ire), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs that belong to the third conjugation, Drag the correct -ire verb to complete the sentences, Conjugation of dormire (to sleep) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of dormire, Drag the correct form of dormire into the correct space, Conjugation of sentire (to hear, to feel) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of sentire, Drag the correct form of sentire into the correct space, Conjugation of partire (to leave) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of partire, Drag the correct form of partire into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -are, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of andare, Drag the correct form of andare into the correct space, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of dare, Drag the correct form of dare into the correct space, Conjugation of fare (to do/make) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of fare, Drag the correct form of fare into the correct space, Conjugation of stare (to stay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of stare, Drag the correct form of stare into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -ere, Conjugation of sapere (to know) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of sapere, Drag the correct form of sapere into the correct space, Conjugation of leggere (to read) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of leggere, Drag the correct form of leggere into the correct space, Conjugation of mettere (to put) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of mettere, Drag the correct form of mettere into the correct space, Conjugation of piacere (to like) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the piacere, Drag the correct form of piacere into the correct space, Conjugation of rimanere (to remain, to stay) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb rimanere, Drag the correct form of rimanere into the correct space, Conjugation of conoscere (to know) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of conoscere, Drag the correct form of conoscere into the correct space, Conjugation of scrivere (to write) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular verb scrivere, Drag the correct form of scrivere into the correct space, Conjugation of vivere (to live) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the conjugation of vivere, Drag the correct form of vivere into the correct space, Conjugation of chiudere (to close, to shut) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of chiudere, Drag the correct form of chiudere into the correct space, Conjugation of prendere (to take, to catch) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of prendere, Drag the correct form of prendere into the correct space, Conjugation of bere (to drink) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of bere, Exercise: drag the correct form of bere into the correct space, Conjugation of tenere (to hold, to keep) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of tenere, Drag the correct form of tenere into the correct space, Conjugation of irregular verbs ending in -ire, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb dire, Drag the correct form of dire into the correct space, Conjugation of venire (to come) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of venire, Exercise: drag the correct form of venire into the correct space, Conjugation of uscire (to exit, to go out) in Italian, Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct form of uscire, Exercise: drag the correct form of uscire into the correct space, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb dovere, Choose the correct form for the conditional of dovere, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of potere, Choose the correct conditional form of potere, Conjugation of volere (to want) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of volere, Choose the correct conditional form of volere, Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive form of the following Italian verbs, Choose the correct reflexive form for the following verbs, Drag the correct verbo sovrabbondante to complete the sentences, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi difettivi, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi fraseologici, Drag the correct verbo fraseologico to the correct box, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbi impersonali, Choose the correct form of the verbi impersonali, Auxiliary verbs (essere, avere) in Italian, Choose the correct form between essere or avere for the following verbs, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of essere in its own sense, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of essere as auxiliary, Conjugation of avere (to have) in Italian, Fill in the blanks with the correct form of avere, Present subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo presente), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the presente congiuntivo in Italian, Choose the correct form of the present subjunctive of the following verbs, Past subjunctive in Italian (congiuntivo passato), Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the passato congiuntivo in Italian, True or false?