Wir rufen uns nicht an (We don’t phone each other). When mehr comes after kein or nicht, it means “no more” or “no longer.” Pay attention to the position of mehr in the examples below—it behaves differently for kein and nicht. Careful: in English, you could also use “not” to say es gibt nicht Bananen (there aren’t bananas), but this is not grammatically correct in German! Meine Katze ist nicht im Garten. (Is Maria coming tomorrow?). It’s good to be aware of the rules, but in reality you’ll quickly develop an intuitive sense for where to place nicht, simply by listening, practicing and making mistakes. Ich will nicht ins Kino gehen. Their positive counterparts (some have more than one!) etwas / alles—nichts (something/everything—nothing), irgendwo—nirgendwo / nirgends (somewhere—nowhere), immer / oft / manchmal—nie/niemals (always / often / sometimes—never). Perhaps the most common words used in German negation are nicht (not) and kein(no, none). Did you pick the nine forms of English negation that I just used above? A noun (only when a definite article—der, die or das [the]—is present). ), the people and their quirks, the sights, the hilarious words and the intriguing idioms—and that doesn’t even scratch the surface. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store. (Have you [already] received an answer? Anche se sappiate che Nein è la parola che è usato per dire no in tedesco, si potrebbe essere perplessi di vedere un avverbio Nicht e un aggettivo Kein che viene utilizzato in tedesco, per esprimere la … Noch can also mean “nor” when paired with weder (neither). • Sementara Kein digunakan untuk mencerminkan No, Nicht digunakan untuk merefleksikan Not and Do not. (Aren’t you coming? später (later), früher (earlier), gestern (yesterday), morgen (tomorrow), heute (tomorrow). Let’s take a look! Take a look! But, much like life, sometimes learning German is kein Zuckerschlecken (no bed of roses). Apple iPhone 4 vs SnapDragon Meskipun iPhone masih merupakan smartphone terlaris dengan versi terbarunya, iPhone 4, ada banyak produk baru, Apple iPhone 4 vs Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Xperia X10 adalah perampokan pertama Sony Ericsson ke Google Android. In German, all three, namely, Kein, Keine, and Keinen are used to decline. One of the first confusions you will encounter when learning the German language is: What’s the difference between kein and nicht and when should you use them? Other sites use scripted content. Lerne und übe auf Lingolia die Negation von Aussagen und die richtige Verwendung von nicht und kein… However, we’re mainly concerned here with the simplest form of doch, where it’s used as an affirmative response to a negatively-framed question: Kommst du nicht mit? Schon (already) is the positive counterpart to noch. Get the hang of these basics and you’ll be feeling positive about the “negative” side of German in no time! It’s often used as a “flavoring particle” to alter the tone of a sentence. You can also pair sondern with nicht nur (not only) to use it in a positive, additive sense: nicht nur…sondern auch (not only…but also). Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s Learn Mode. can take anywhere. (Her name’s not Maria.). (Download). Even if you know that Nein is the word that is used to say no in German, you might be puzzled to see an adverb Nicht and an adjective Kein being used in German, to express negation. On the contrary, I am.). Autrement, elle est marquée par l'emploi de nicht. L'apprendimento tedesco può essere un compito difficile per le persone che parlano inglese. Kein juga digunakan saat kata benda tidak memiliki artikel. The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and it recommends examples and videos to you based on the words you’ve already learned.