A bit of a johnny deck that runs KCI/Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek to generate infinite colorless mana, … I will definitely be playing Urza again at SCG Dallas after the upcoming banning so make sure to join the Team Nova patreon to get my up to date list and sideboard guide for Urza in the new format! Copied to clipboard. Cut your mana rocks for more Mox Opal-enablers like Chromatic Star and Welding Jar and thank me later. This site © 2020 TappedOut.net, LLC Privacy statement | ), which means Thopter Foundry is ready to churn out bodies again. An updated version of the list I 5-0'd a modern league with. The thopter sword deck in modern likely won’t have the ability to beat a more dedicated control shell with better access to interactive spells or lock pieces, unless it finds some way to blend with another combo (like hex-depths in extended). Every time you sacrifice the Sword to the Foundry you get a 1/1 which triggers the Sword to return again. All three of these backup threats require you to have some gas left in the tank when you play them, which can lead to some awkward situations in-game. This is a deck that can kill on Turn 3—it doesn’t need to be more powerful and these cards only make the deck better when you draw the best card in your deck. Welcome, one and all, to my very favorite pet deck: Thopter Sword. Channel PMayne – Modern Thopter/Sword By Pascal Maynard / April 5, 2016 October 10, 2019 Get a glimpse into the new format as Pascal Maynard takes on Caleb Durward with a … You also gain 1 life when you do this. But with the ban of Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis looming I don’t want to spend too much mental energy on a dead format. 3) Hangarback Walker is the only creature in Modern that I could find which can both bring Sword of the Meek back from the yard (x = 1 comes in as a 1/1) and dies for value if sacrificed to Thopter Foundry, not to mention being a decent bump in the road buying time against aggro decks. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Magic: The Gathering Net Decks, Metagame analysis, Legacy, Modern, Vintage, Standard, Extended and Block Decks, Deckcheck, RSS-Feed and more Thopter/Sword creates a near endless stream of chump blockers and gains a significant amount of life in the process. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Team Modern Super League 2 Week 7 Decklists. WUB (Esper). Pay 1 mana to sacrifice Sword to Thopter Foundry. Updated Jun 09, 2019 by mcg93 using our MTG Deck Builder. Modern The secondary logic behind Karn is that it allows you to have an additional tutor effect for both halves of the Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek combo, but Karn is a whopping FOUR mana investment just to find a single piece of the combo. Help | Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. This site is unaffiliated. This triggers Sword of the Meek’s ability, returning it to the battlefield. Next! You create a 1/1 Thopter and gain 1 life. But how exactly does the combo work, so you know how to play it, OR how to disrupt it properly when you’re staring down the combo on the other side of the table? A while back, I introduced a deck. Round 1: Yorion Temur Scapeshift VS Lurrus Thopter Sword Yorion Temur Scapeshift In5ano 1st Place at Magic Online Super Qualifier on 05-09-2020 Modern Splashing a fifth color and raising your curve can hurt you a lot in the aggressive matchups even if it’s a boon in the grindy matchups. Channel PMayne – Modern Thopter/Sword By Pascal Maynard / April 5, 2016 October 10, 2019 Get a glimpse into the new format as Pascal Maynard takes on Caleb Durward with a …