Conduct surveys to locate as many resident pairs of Barking Owls as possible across land tenures throughout the main range of the species. Protect all known Barking Owl sites within the parks and reserves system. Schedvin, N. (2008) Post-fire recovery of the barking owl Ninox connivens population in the Chiltern- Mount Pilot National Park and surrounds. Impact of the 2003 Eldorado Fire on Barking Owls (Ninox, connivens connivens), North East Victoria. Post-fire recovery monitoring - continued monitoring of barking owl populations is critical Given the continued decline, in the population of the area where studies have been carried out. If the current trend continues Barking Owls will be completely lost from the area within the next 30 years (Schedvin 2008). Increase the area of native vegetation in high productivity areas. SWIFFT does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information on this page and any person using or relying upon such information does so on the basis that the SWIFFT shall bear no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information. Simpson & Day (1996) Field Guide to the birds of Australia, sixth edition, Penguin Books Australia Ltd. Schedvin, K. (2005). Habitat preference is strongly bias towards areas that provide a high density of large trees greater than 60cm diameter and a high density of hollow trees of a range of sizes, including large hollows greater than 15cm diameter which are suitable nesting places for Barking Owls. Use of forest interior habitats is less common; in particular the use of extensive areas of moist forest habitat is uncommon with drier woodlands, particularly box-ironbark woodlands being the most frequented habitat. A similar trend of decline has been recorded in New South Wales (NPWS 2003) and in areas of North East Victoria where there was a  population decline in the Chiltern - Mt Pilot National Park of 60% between 2003 to 2005 (Schedvin 2008). In Victoria, Queensland and the south west of Western Australia, Barking Owls average around 40cm or more in height. Being a top order predator the Barking owl can be impacted upon by loss of prey species caused through habitat degradation and fragmentation, logging, firewood harvesting  wildfires and excessive burning. n order to implement a landscape approach to barking owl conservation, it is, important to be able to evaluate the barking owl carrying capacity of different. Silveira ,C.E. This owl is colored brown with white spots on its wings and a vertically streaked chest. Decline of non-native prey such as rabbits, which may have filled a prey shortage in areas suffering a reduced diversity of prey, for example sites where habitat has been degraded and native prey has been diminished. There needs to be a study to investigate the efficacy of promoting hollow formation in eucalypts (perhaps through injuring trees). All confirmed nesting and roosting sites utilised recently and frequently (based on reliable observation or physical evidence such as pellets or wash) located outside BOMA’s will be protected by a 3ha SPZ around the site and a 250-300m radius. Strategic long-term planning of conservation actions - habitat conservation actions may also enable greater conservation gains for barking owls if they are prioritised in relation to the relative impact for effort. There are many sites within the South West of Victoria for example that had previous records which were not confirmed in the 1998-1999 survey, raising the possibility that Barking Owls could have been lost from those locations (see below). Diet comprises small mammals (rabbit, gliders, rodents), birds, bats, and insects, however information on diet still remains limited and may include other prey. Southern Right Whale photo identification project, State Forest – Glenelg River, Balmoral area, State Forest - Glenelg River, Balmoral area, Wash Tomorrow Game Reserve, Toolondo area, State Forest – Lake Lonsdale, Stawell area, Eastern end of Otway Range, including (Great Otway N.P. The survey was focused in the vicinity of where Barking Owls had been recorded in 1995 but no Barking Owls recorded (Hurley 2006). ), Western end of Otway Range – Kennedys Creek area. Promote the formation of natural hollows. Nocturnal studies across the western Victoria in 1998-1999 recorded Barking Owls at only 11 sites (4.3%) of 257 carefully selected sites and found only 6 sites (8%) of 75 sites where they had been reported during 1980’s and 1990’s which could indicate a continuing deterioration in the species status (Taylor & Kirsten 1999).