But it is also due to a ra.pidly growing community that PACMPL (OOPSLA) seeks contributions on all aspects of programming languages and software engineering. OOPSLA and PLDI reviewers were asked if the use of citations revealed the authors. An external review committee was primarily tasked with reviewing all submissions co-authored by a member of the main review committee or the general chair. A paper accepted by SPLASH/Onward! The last few OOPSLA’s have had acceptance ra.tes of around 12by anyone’s standards. A paper accepted by ICSE 2012 (21% acceptance rate), January 2012. The ASE reviewers were asked what informed their guesses. I am excited to announce that our paper, entitled “Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences,” was accepted at OOPSLA 2020!One hundred nine papers were approved out of 302 submissions, amounting to a 36% acceptance rate. To put it another way, they saw a 33% increase in the fraction of published papers whose first author is female ... OOPSLA 2016 is using a mandatory double-blind submission process. UCD Outstanding Postdoc Finalist, 2011-2012. How do reviewers deanonymize? 2012 (26% acceptance rate), June 2012. Figure 4. Stephen Magill, Michael Hicks, Suriya Subramanian, Kathryn S. McKinley: "Automating Object Transformations for Dynamic Software Updating," In Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2012 (25% acceptance rate). Acceptance rate of papers by reviewer guessing behavior. Apex is used in a course given at Purdue university and precisely finds 94% root causes of the 205 student submissions. The a.ccep- ta,nce ra,te for OOPSLA’93 wa.s Sdue in pa,rt to a. large number of submissions, a.nd in part to a pro- gram committee with very high standards. In OOPSLA 2016.Acceptance Rate: 23%, 524 out of 2250 submissions. A paper accepted by POPL 2013 (18% acceptance rate), October 2012. Of the reviews with guesses, 37% (11% of all reviews) and 44% (11% of all reviews) said they did, respectively. After the switch, they found a significant (~8%) increase in the acceptance rate for female-first-authored submissions. In the end, we accepted 60 of 216 submissions, an acceptance rate of 27.8%. The majority of the data here is from Kevin Almeroth's systems and networking conference statistics page, so many thanks go to him. We design an automatic approach for reporting the root causes of the errors of students’ assignments. Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), 2012 Acceptance Rate: 26% (59/228) ICSE '12. Some CS Conference Statistics After reading Jeff Erickson's posts on number of papers submitted and accepted to STOC and FOCS, SODA, and SoCG, I thought it would be interesting to compare those with a broader range of CS conferences.. A paper accepted by OOPSLA 2012 (25% acceptance rate), July 2012.