• Title and date • Introduction (purpose, reaction) • Physical data (including calculations) • Procedure outline and heating until most of the solids disappears. SAMPLE LAB REPORT Joe Student August 19, 2010 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (Chem 326-01) Instructor: Dr. Know It All Report 1 Synthesis of Benzopinacolone from benzophenone. _�����»�����0��E��(�l���``]h;�w?���M���!a^`l��U�K���`ŖF��h��S!�B�OOm$ ɾ�߈BoXC[���*�m��4����ma7��[[������L���a ���|@V�pǥ(!d|{��V���V�~-yw����.�4�H�Z�ݠx�0ᗷ.�����/��F_�M������ CHEMISTRY LAB REPORT DO NOT DELETE HEADINGS Name: Heather Rodriguez Lab … Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The following components should be contained for each experiment, along with any additional material required by your instructor. and determine the melting point of the impure and the purified solid. Writing Lab Reports The lab report for this course will be represented by a designed report sheet prepared by the course instructor and accompanying with each experiment. the lab report (particularly in organic chemistry); your instructor will tell you if that is the case. Step 3: After boiling for about 5 minutes, remove the boiling solution from the hotplate. (����r�����};0&��ά����E}GS�b/�a& hxIJ�`��Ө\ �L�c�3>z�$@?��t���S����Y����u~?��/���(49�Ө���*�y���#$�c���k�r{{k���WE������ă�2�,s��A�RE �7�q"��H�ޮ��HP��Ѡ3!��{�D���%�ǂ^����W�/P_nR*K�AK�VF�4/"L����ݩB"��W>!�4t�Rr��y&GG�k�y��Os�7���FuJ������v�������T�P��Ym���F�x���v����#�U�b8#@�|�b�֡���K���1����KAi��"�*6���At�xn�4�5
H�L�� cG�Xhkjf�n�Z��P��+:�>���bH 4. stream You will also need to draw and label the chemical reaction using the << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> (In other words, describe what were you trying, In this lab we will be recrystallizing solids. Results: In this section you present the data from your experiment. Writing a Lab Report (Chemistry) The process of writing a lab report can be daunting, especially when you’re enrolled in multiple labs per week. Organic Chemistry, Laboratory Manual CHM 2415L KOMAR UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KUST) 8 3. As a hot, saturated solution cools, it becomes, supersaturated and the solute precipitates (crystallizes) out. This procedure relies on the fact that solubility increases as temperature increases (you can, dissolve more sugar in hot water than in cold water). will encounter in future recrystallizations. %PDF-1.3 CHEMISTRY_LAB_REPORT Recrystallization (2).pdf - CHEMISTRY LAB REPORT DO NOT DELETE HEADINGS Name Heather Rodriguez Lab Partners Date 09.28.20, What is the objective/purpose of this experiment? After allowing the crystals to dry, obtain the weight of the purified acetanilide. Never fear, though! Terms. %��������� Components of a Laboratory Notebook. Start heating, ~150 mL of distilled water in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask to near its boiling point with a couple. Organic Chemistry Formal Written Laboratory Reports Cabrillo College Chemistry Department Document Formatting Document should be standard 8.5” x 11” with margins of 1”, 1”, 0.5”, 1” (left, right, top, bottom) and 0.5” header and 0.6” footer. ; A0f�����2O^������O���|��w�n��u�n�?w���~?�^��f�٦������|������mw��{� stemless funnel fitted with a fluted filter paper. Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory Manual 2.pdf, Purifying Acetanilide by Recrystallization, United Arab Emirates University • CHEMISTRY ORGANIC CH, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley • ORGANIC CH 1301, Copyright © 2020. View CHEMISTRY_LAB_REPORT Recrystallization (2).pdf from ORGANIC CH 3521 at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Type face should be an easily because you have given a heterogeneous mixture of sand and acetanilide to mimic situations you. Step 2: Place the flask on a hot plate and heat with constant stirring. In the words of Julie Andrews, a very good place to start would be the beginning.