It can be aggressive, so it is wise to keep it with other large tetras. The temperature requirements for the Congo tetra is between 74 to 82 °F while the PH should ideally fall between 6.0 to 6.5. One interesting aspect with Black Phantom Tetras is the “mock fights” that involve the males. I would not try adding other fish with them. It was first described in 1907, and it inhabits the rivers of western Brazil, eastern Peru, Paraguay, and eastern Bolivia. The cardinal tetra will co-exist peacefully with other species including the other tetra species, dwarf gouramis, and danios. It has a silver body with an olive and brown back. They are playful and active in a tank, and you should provide plants for them to hide or swim through. Since it is a schooling fish, it is best to keep the Bleeding Heart Tetra in schools of four to six species. Neon tetras are very popular in the fish-rearing community, thanks to their ease-of-care and attractive colors. Does anyone else have any experience with them? It is one of the larger tetras, as it can reach lengths of three inches. Its appearance includes a blue line that extends from its eyes to the adipose fin. Including driftwood will provide more darkness and shade. The Red Eye Tetra is known to be peaceful, and it will thrive in a community tank. Most tetras originate from the Amazon basin as well as other river systems in South America. The fish will generally be easy to keep since they are rarely vulnerable to diseases. This video is unavailable. It's not worth experimenting, they're dicks. I kept them in the past; they're nippy little shits. Clearly, many people are…. This variation is attributed to the environment they inhabit. The fish will welcome frozen and flake foods and freeze-dried food. It will especially appeal to beginners because it tolerates different water conditions. Silver tips are the most aggressive tetra breed. They nearly killed one of my bettas. To make the lights soft and dim, add several fluctuants in the tank. The rest of the body is transparent, and they can even hide the blue/red sheen to stay safe if they feel threatened. Ensure you keep at least six of the species together, and it is best to avoid aggressive tankmates that may bully the Congo tetra. Its abdominal, anal, and dorsal fins can be yellowish or reddish. The tetra will generally occupy the middle and bottom areas of the tank, and it will only swim to the top if oxygen is not sufficient. Since they inhabit areas with dense forests in the wild, you should maintain a dimly-lit tank. They come in a wide range of colors, including red, white, silver, black, blue, yellow, orange, black, fluorescent colors, and others. The Lemon tetra is another of the tetra species native to South America. Wikipedia. Keep them in schools of seven to tame their aggression. Silvertip tetras are slightly more aggressive than other comparable smaller tetras, observed occasionally to nip other similarly sized tetras. The fish is compatible with varieties of similar size. There is a red color on the upper region of the eyes. Aggressive Silver Tip Tetras. Read more…. A varied diet is ideal for Lemon Tetras, and you can supplement flakes with boiled vegetables. Its body is characterized by silver-gray scales with orange, gold, and green hues. Ensure that your tank has an open swimming space in addition to several hiding places. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. The PH range is between 6-8 with the temperature between 72 to 82ºF. Species like red-eye, neon, lemon, and glowlights have many enthusiasts. Does anyone else have any experience with them? Both beginners and advanced aquarists love tetra fish for their colorful appearance, easy maintenance, and calm nature. You can achieve this setting by coupling floating plants with dim aquarium lights. The colors are, however, only pronounced in adults. Discussion in 'Community Tanks' started by Alex Freire, Jul 20, 2012. And there…, Studies show that Americans alone own about 139.3 million freshwater fish. Opt for a dark substrate and change the water frequently.