Last week, Kindergarten created a beautiful sensory garden where we also discussed how adjectives help us describe nouns. The garden is such a busy, productive place in Spring. Our Year 6 South Coogee Superstars have been selected to compete in the semi-finals in this year’s Game Changer Challenge. The final order for Bronze Medallions will go in at the end of next week, Friday 13 November. Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment. Top Best School in Sydney offering | SchoolMyKids I wish you all a very safe and restful holiday break. Donations to this project are also welcome. Gia and Queen of 5/6A are working to bring Gia’s Term 2 Passion Project to life. Dear Parents and Carers, As we approach the end of term, South Coogee Public School is still a hive of productive activity and learning! Tel: (02) 9349 4000 Visit school's website. South Coogee is participating in Jump Rope for Heart – a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program by the Heart Foundation that has been running for over 36 years. Menu. OUR SCHOOL. A huge thank you to all students and families for your contributions in raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Principal: Mr Marion Walsh-Gay . If your child has three Gold Awards, please hand them to the class teacher by then. South Coogee Public School, South Coogee. Mrs Coetzee’s favourite lesson with Kindergarten was Garden Friend or Garden Pest. The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. The feedback provided through this survey is used to make improvements and inform school planning. School assemblies must be limited to 15 minutes with no external visitors. The canteen will re-open on Wednesday 14th October. Abstract: Advice for families – 24 Sept 2020. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 12 October for all students and staff for Term 4. Dear Parents and Carers. The object of the P&C is to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students into close cooperation. Gardening Club occurs twice a week with Kindergarten contributing enthusiastically. The full guidelines are available via Skoolbag. This online survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program! Find out how South Coogee Public School compares with other schools in Australia. Principal . Thank you to Mr T for working cooperatively with us and to all who have donated 1.25 L plastic bottles. Welcome to South Coogee Public School P & C Association. Parents and carers are an important and valued part of our school community. Your child can earn virtual badges along the way and your page will highlight the prizes up for grabs. Deputy Principal’s News Final Bronze Medallions Order. Sign up to share your child’s progress and let the funds roll in. Principal’s Message. We will be officially launching the program in week 1, Term 4. We have replenished our collection of board games and card games and this has been well received. It was fun to see and hear the efforts of our creative learners. Jan 2015 – Present 5 years 11 months. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment. We continue to look at ways to deepen the connection with the community, see more faces and we are always looking at ways we can improve on the services and activities. Student only event. During week 4 of this term, we ran a school wide activity to commemorate the ‘Victory in the Pacific’ on the 15th August. Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help. Below is the most up to date information for our school in readiness for Term 4. Students will be skipping throughout the term in PE classes and during their lunch breaks. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs. Our professional teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. The strawberries are almost ripe. We are so excited to be a part of Game Changer Challenge for the second year running and know that regardless of the outcome that our students will make us proud. Look for the yellow-topped bin at the Moverly Street gate. Tell Them From Me Survey: Closing 23 October, We are inviting all parents and carers to participate in the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Parent Survey. We have had another wonderful term with the Defence students. I would love to get your feedback or suggestions. They have also been trying to manage garden pests – aphids – with a spray made of water, soap and garlic. Get the latest COVID-19 advice. Please ensure you read the information that has been taken from the document that is relevant to our school. Such enthusiastic learners! Parents and carers and other non-essential visitors are not allowed on the school site. The full guidelines are available via Skoolbag. Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help. Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work. As we approach the end of term, South Coogee Public School is still a hive of productive activity and learning! Get the latest COVID-19 advice. We’ll be continuing this project next term with Stage 2 and are happy to continue to accept donations. Find out how South Coogee Public School compares with other schools in Australia. Moverly Road South Coogee NSW 2034 This survey complements the TTFM student surveys, which focus on student engagement, wellbeing and effective teaching practices. Privacy statement For a series of our sessions, we crafted Father’s Day cards and gifts for the Defence Kids to take home or to send to our deployed Dads. Follow the link below on your computer or tablet: Great news. We are doing things differently and keeping our stages together. Primary Menu. Please don’t hesitate to email me Have a wonderful, restful break and I look forward to next term, working with this lovely community! Website design by Briar Ang. I’m looking forward to seeing her garden completed. South Coogee. P&C meetings and events must be on-line only. Addresses: Moverly Rd South Coogee NSW 2034. We’re also hoping to create a plastic bottle top mural with a sustainability message and for that we’ll need plastic bottle tops of any colour and size. NB: If not symptom free on return you may be requested to have numerous tests. Australian Curriculum affiliated, Coed Day School in South Coogee, Sydney, Randwick City Council, New South Wales from Primary School to Primary School. We now run Defence Kids Club twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our Vision; Our Values; Our History; ... Posted on September 25, 2020 September 25, 2020 Author South Coogee Primary School. We will send notifications to you if things change during the holidays. Website design by Briar Ang. Presentation ceremonies will be held via online platforms. Jan 2015 – Present 5 years 11 months. South Coogee Public School uses survey feedback to make practical improvements and inform school planning. Sign up here today: Connor (KD) put his seed raising skills to good use at home and has successfully germinated five apple seeds! Parents should ensure school pick up and drop off arrangements enable them to physically distance from one another and from staff. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing. Students had meaningful conversations in class about the Defence Force and the role it plays in our lives or did some art work related to peace. All programs; Visible Learning; For parents. The judging panel was unanimously impressed with the calibre of innovation, technical skill and humour in our submission video. During this time you can share your fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause. Allison Stewart, Lara Richardson, Melissa Mui and Mark Tesoriero. All schools will be vigilant when implementing infection control, physical distancing and personal hygiene protocols to protect the health and safety of students and staff. Our teachers are ensuring programs are engaging and ready as our professional learning focus steers towards the ‘School Excellence In Action’ planning for the next four years. Principal’s message; Enrolment; School times and map; Our staff; Documents and policies; Our programs. In teaching and learning, this term our learners have achieved so much as they buzz along improving each day. This will ensure that medallions arrive before the end of the year. Our team was selected among hundreds of submissions from across NSW. Schools are not required to conduct widespread temperature screening or mandate the wearing of a mask. Find houses or apartments close to schools of your interest on Domain. filling water bottles from bubblers rather than using the bubbler directly.