The name is also given to varnishes made of other ingredients, esp. – A large goblet or drinking glass, — used for lager beer or ale. – Relating to divinity or theology. We take solace in the knowledge that this mastery of the English language will be the foundation for the many achievements awaiting them in the future. The act of introducing, or bringing to notice. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Spelling Bee List Grade 8. – Mental view of anything in its various aspects and relations; contemplation; intellectual examination. Sir J. Davies. – Disdainfully or contemptuously proud; arrogant; overbearing. – A level position; a just poise or balance in respect to an object, so that it remains firm; equipoise; as, to preserve the equilibrium of the body. To tremble or shake with fear, horror, or aversion; to shiver with cold; to quake. – To render divine; to deify. The act of forfeiting; the loss of some right, privilege, estate, honor, office, or effects, by an offense, crime, breach of condition, or other act. You can & download or print using the browser document reader options. – Smallnes of quantity; exiguity; insufficiency; as, paucity of blood. Spelling Bee Grade 8 Word List. Our hearts go out to these eighth-grade spellers, their families and all of us who won’t get to witness the last chapter of their spelling bee journeys. Of or pertaining to religion; concerned with religion; teaching, or setting forth, religion; set apart to religion; as, a religious society; a religious sect; a religious place; religious subjects, books, teachers, houses, wars. – A wrangle; also, a noise,, as in angry contention. – To strike out; to wipe out or destroy; to annihilate; as, to expugne an offense. – Godlike; heavenly; excellent in the highest degree; supremely admirable; apparently above what is human. One skilled in the diseases of cattle or domestic animals; a veterinary surgeon. – Proceeding from God; as, divine judgments. – A game at cards in which the players buy from one another trumps or whole hands, upon a chance of getting the highest trump dealt, which entitles the holder to the pool of stakes. – Of or pertaining to the intellectual and higher endowments of the mind; mental; intellectual. – To use or practice divination; to foretell by divination; to utter prognostications. – A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice. About 1840, longer vessels with three masts, fore-and-aft rigged, came into use, and since that time vessels with four masts and even with six masts, so rigged, are built. 124 words suitable for your 8th grade spelling bee. – The part of a loom comprising the heddles, with their means of support and motion, by which the threads of the warp are alternately raised and depressed for the passage of the shuttle. – To experience together. Each list contains words not found in any of our other eBooks. An edict or order of the government prohibiting the departure of ships of commerce from some or all of the ports within its dominions; a prohibition to sail. – A nation or state recognized as carrying on war; a person engaged in warfare. This is a 8th grade Spelling Words list, dedicated to eight graders from all over the world, remember that if you need more words list or want to create a custom one importing your text, you can visit our Spelling Bee training app here. Of or pertaining to marriage, or the marriage state; conjugal; nuptial. – Possessing, or conforming to, religion; pious; godly; as, a religious man, life, behavior, etc. Word list activities: Year 8 Spelling Bee. A divining or taking of omens by observing birds; an omen as to an undertaking, drawn from birds; an augury; an omen or sign in general; an indication as to the future. Learn about the words: Year 8 Spelling Bee using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. – Severe; trying or searching, as if bringing to the cross; decisive; as, a crucial test. Consisting of spirit; not material; incorporeal; as, a spiritual substance or being. – A minister of the gospel; a priest; a clergyman. – The act of formally making persons known to each other; a presentation or making known of one person to another by name; as, the introduction of one stranger to another. To sprout; to bud; to shoot; to begin to vegetate, as a plant or its seed; to begin to develop, as a germ. – Sufficient to support the cause. Subject in will or act to authority; willing to obey; submissive to restraint, control, or command. 8 years passed by in a snap and you are about to approach high school. – A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx of anything. – To foresee or foreknow; to detect; to anticipate; to conjecture. You can use our lists for your preparation and also to take spelling tests using our Spelling Bee training system. A roll or bag, filled with dust, borne by Byzantine emperors, as a memento of mortality. Reward your best spellers with one of … Very few are found in temperate climates. For now, have a look at the 8th grade Spelling Words list. Having curative or palliative properties; used for the cure or alleviation of bodily disorders; as, medicinal tinctures, plants, or springs. Noble birth. – Indicating haughtiness; as, a haughty carriage. – Position; situation; a place; a spot; esp., a geographical place or situation, as of a mineral or plant. – To ansew to; to correspond to. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. – To contend in petulant altercation; to wrangle. – Fig. – Liberality in giving; munificence. Also used figuratively. Full of, or characterized by, deceit; serving to mislead or insnare; trickish; fraudulent; cheating; insincere. A secdond trial, experiment, or test; a second judicial trial, as of an accused person. 2. abhorrent [ab-hawr-uhnt] adj.--causing repugnance, detestable. – Strong. In this application, the word admits of comparison; as, the divinest mind. – The act or practice of buying land, goods, shares, etc., in expectation of selling at a higher price, or of selling with the expectation of repurchasing at a lower price; a trading on anticipated fluctuations in price, as distinguished from trading in which the profit expected is the difference between the retail and wholesale prices, or the difference of price in different markets. ; gear; tackling. Called also stencil plate. To download/print, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. – Examination by the eye; view. – The inspissated juice of several species of acacia; — called also gum acacia, and gum arabic. Pain of mind on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing; grief; sorrow; especially, a mourning on account of the loss of some joy, advantage, or satisfaction. – To agree; to be in accord; to harmonize. – The condition of being putrefied; also, that which putrefied. – Protection; patronage and care; guidance. – To lay an embargo on and thus detain; to prohibit from leaving port; — said of ships, also of commerce and goods. – Official ignoring of offenses; amnesty, or general pardon; as, an act of oblivion. – A balancing of the mind between motives or reasons, with consequent indecision and doubt. Of or pertaining to pessimism; characterized by pessimism; gloomy; foreboding. 8th Grade Spelling Words Author: Spelling Bee Ninja Keywords: 8th Grade Spelling Words,spelling,spelling bee,spelling words,spelling words list,spelling list,sight words Created Date: 11/3/2019 6:13:00 PM – A person bound by monastic vows, or sequestered from secular concern, and devoted to a life of piety and religion; a monk or friar; a nun. Equality of weight or force; an equipoise or a state of rest produced by the mutual counteraction of two or more forces. For now, have a look at the 8th grade Spelling Words list. ; as, a speculative dealer or enterprise. – Any business venture in involving unusual risks, with a chance for large profits. Eagerly pressing or urgent; zealous; ardent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid; as, a strenuous advocate for national rights; a strenuous reformer; a strenuous defender of his country.