The only way I could explain the pain to my husband was chin splints really bad! me and my friend went looking for aloe, but it was not. If you get rid the world of one disease what would it be? Dont use ordinary lotoin as it traps the heat and can make it worse. So now im blisstering up pretty badly. See the doctor, Help?!? Can i put aloe on my severe peeling sunburn? Apply to the affected areas as needed. When you are stung by a wasp, you can put Aloe Vera gel on the sting. It still hurts to move my shoulders due to the leatheryness. Put aloe vera on it, or solarcaine. I have not that much serious sunburn-but it still hurts- and I would like to hear should I put some vinegar on sunburn? Yes its true sometimes aloe vera juice itches your skin. If you have a sunburn, apply aloe vera a few times a day to the sunburnt area. I have a bad sunburn from a week ago. Aloe shouldn’t be used on severe burns, so check with your doctor if you’re worried your sunburn may be severe. Use this burn treatment ones in three days. bad sunburn on stomach 3 days ago. Calendula cream or lotion is also very helpful, for many even more than aloe. However i keep a spray bottle full of cool water and spray it on me to keep moist and its so relaxing. Aloe vera is usually the go-to for sunburns and related discomfort, and for good reason. People often champion aloe vera for its skin-soothing properties, including the Mayo Clinic … Sunburn relief: My grandmother put white vinegar on my sunburn when i was a kid. Visit the local health food store to find a natural product. It take around a week for you skin to heal. Side Effects of Aloe Vera Juice Many people are enjoying the benefits of aloe vera. I encourage you to keep applying the aloe vera juice/gel to your burn twice a day if you can tolerate it. Bear with it! Is this normal? Applying aloe vera multiple times per day for the first few days after a sunburn can make a significant impact on your skin and prevent much discomfort. They are usually white or transparent in appearance and filled with fluid, which can be lymph, serum, plasma, blood, or pus.. Aloe vera and vitamin E for burns You will need some vitamin E capsules for this home remedy. Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on the benefits and side effects of Aloe to treat Sunburn: Dr. Buck on abdomen aloe lotion blistering stings sunburn using: When still in the acute phase, keeping cool moisture on the burn also helps. Sunburn blisters form as small bumps on the skin. Pour mixture into dark-colored spray bottle, shake well, and store in cool, dark place. i know that plant was not aloe or poisonous and i got like a rash on my face it is bumpy i pit benadryl on what els should i do. Aloe Vera and Helichrysum Oil Mix ½ teaspoon of aloe vera gel, 1 drop of helichrysum oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, and 2 tablespoons of water. If the aloe creams sting, try the actual aloe gel right out of an aloe plant leaf. Get answers by asking now. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. 9 years ago. Select natural aloe vera gel that contains close to 100 percent aloe vera. Some sunburn relief formulas have added ingredients, which may interfere with the freezing process. the gel has a mild alcohol base that evaporates, cooling the skin and may cause mild stinging. Other options are neosporin ointment twice a day or aquaphour twice a day. Hope you feel better! Cut aloe from a plant. Apply aloe vera. Still have questions? RC. Should I be worried? I put aloe vera on in the beggining although the pain of it rubbin on my back made me cry i kne something had to be done and didnt know and remedies. Dr. Raselette Hunt answered. If you have an aloe plant in your home or near where your burn occurred, you can use it to get fresh aloe. If you have an actual aloe plant in your garden, break off a leaf and apply the thick inner gel / juice directly to sunburned skin. I got a second degree sunburn on Saturday 6-21-08. Put aloe vera on it, or solarcaine. suggestions? Your best protection against sunburn is using a broad-spectrum sunscreen … While you can place the juice directly onto the sunburn, it may sting a little since aloe vera juice is an astringent. Aloe vera is a naturally occurring humectant that has the added bonus of soothing warm, sunburned skin. Found an itchy spot on my inner ankle about a week ago. What should I ask my Doctor. Why? Squeeze out the capsules and mix the vitamin E with aloe vera gel. The creams often have alcohol bases that can sting, where as direct from the plant is all natural. T ... As the sunburn sheds overlying blisters/skin a sensitive under layer is exposed. When still in the acute phase, keeping cool moisture on the burn also helps. If that’s not enough, try a hydrocortisone cream. If it is not getting better in 3 - 4 days or gets worse, you should see your doctor. Dermatologist can Impetigo spread inside the body? 13 years experience Family Medicine. not blistering but i feel like it's worsened in the past 2 days. If methotrexate is not working for eczema and psoriasis. Aloe vera is best used when it’s in 100 percent aloe vera gel form and when it’s kept chilled. Because aloe is useful for a number of other ailments (such as acne or heartburn) it’s handy to have a plant growing in your house. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. You had an allergic reaction to the oils in the plant, and with a sunburn, your skin was weaker, so it's bad. My boyfriend got sunburn on his back starting to blister what should he do nothing helps not aloe vera stuff with lidocaine or cold water?