The entire species produces toxic carcinogens, is allergenic and causes a variety of ailments in people including asthma, edema, bronchiospasms, emphysema and eye and ear infections. Fungi come in many shapes and sizes, with the large ones being the most conspicuous. Basidiomycota: This family includes mushrooms and toadstools. Often a fungus is like an iceberg – what’s visible is only a small part of what’s there. They are responsible for a great deal of damage and are characterized by wilting, … This fungus can be harmful to your aquarium plants and fatal to your fish -- it spreads quickly through the membranes of the fish. Fungi live outdoors in soil and on plants and trees as well as on many indoor surfaces and on human skin. In many ways fungi are more like animals than plants, because instead of manufacturing their own food from carbon dioxide and sunlight they digest parts of other organisms. You will also want to remove any fungal growth on decorations and/or gravel. Identifying fungus gnats on houseplants is relatively easy as they look like small fruit flies crawling over the soil or flying around your plants. White mold on plants looks like a fuzzy substance that is the result of fungus spores. The difference between fungus gnats and fruit flies is that fruit flies are attracted to fruit and garbage, not your beloved houseplants. The spores quickly grow on the plant leaves and stems to form a white fuzz that’s also called powdery mildew. This plant disease turns leaves into a paper-like consistency as well as creates brown spots. Another type of house plant fungus known as powdery mildew is derived from the Oidium genus. White fungus is more dangerous than black fungus, so if you notice white fungal growth, remove infected plants immediately. Types of House Fungus By Duane Craig ... Of the 150 species within this genus, some are parasitic to plants, insects and animals. The insects feed on the beech sap by burrowing into the bark, and once inside, the nectria fungus on the beech scale colonize the bark and interior of the tree. Fungus gnat identification on plants. ; Ascomycota: Sometimes called sac fungi, members of this family often have vivid, eyecatching fruiting bodies. Fungal diseases are often caused by fungi that are common in the environment. This white fuzzy mold can affect indoor and outdoor plants, especially when growing conditions are warm, damp, and humid. Most fungi are not dangerous, but some types can be harmful to health. 5 Types Of Tree Bark Fungus (And What You Can Do About Them!) This group includes the very tasty morels (see below) and truffles. Cladosporium Cladosporium likes heating and air conditioning ducts. The fungus is also known for invading foliage by forming white, powdery spots. Within the Kingdom Fungi , these are the most important families, or "phyla." Plant Diseases Disease fungi take their energy from the plants on which they live. Types of Fungi by Family. ... (Fagus grandifolia), and it’s brought about by native nectria fungus pairing up with the invasive European beech scale insect.