Europa is pushed and pulled by the high gravity of Jupiter as well as by the gravity of Jupiter's other moons. Europa is officially the sixth closest moon of the planet Jupiter and the sixth largest moon in the entire solar system. Europa is the fourth largest moon of Jupiter. That Europa has a liquid ocean at all tells us that there is liquid water and a source of energy to stop it from freezing. So if there's a liquid ocean on Europa, there might also be microbial life. Streaks of reddish-brown color highlight cracks in Europa’s outer layer of ice. Right now, there is no other body in the solar system that attracts as much scientific attention as this bright strange-looking moon, the smallest of Jupiter's four large satellites. The answer is yes, and the next-best shot at finding extra-terrestrial life forms is on Europa, a moon of the planet Jupiter. Is There Life on Europa? We may have already discovered the essence of life on Mars 40 years ago, according to a former NASA scientist. Image credit: NASA Christopher Chyba is the principal investigator for the SETI Institute lead team of the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI). Jupiter's moon Europa is a promising place to search for evidence of alien life. If I really had to bet, I would say there is probably no life on Europa. New research provides insights on what might be the best - and easiest - way to search. Although slightly smaller than the moon that revolves around planet Earth, the composition of Europa is what has scientists excited. When NASA sets out on a planetary science mission, it starts with the big science questions that need to be answered. The ice-covered world may have liquid water, energy, and organic compounds – all three of the ingredients necessary for life to survive. If signs of life exist on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, they might not be as hard to find as scientists had thought, a new study reports. Jupiter’s moon Europa is thought to be one of the most likely abodes for microscopic life in our solar system. Scientists think that life may exist on Europa because there is evidence that liquid water may exist beneath its icy surface. Well, there are three candidates which have been regarded as serious prospects for extraterrestrial life in recent years: Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede, and Saturn’s moon Enceladus. But the chemical make-up of the ocean is also crucial. Sad, but I think it is just not a rich enough environment, and it has Jupiter's deadly radiation to deal with. One of the best spots to look for life, NASA is slated to explore Jupiter's moon Europa in the next 10 years.