These radiant silver manifestations take the form of an animal that has symbolic or emotional resonance with each character. Three more people had arrived out of the darkness to stand beside them, their wands outstretched, continuing to cast their Patronuses: Luna, Ernie, and Seamus.". A one-stop shop for all things video games. This animal is often used in literature to symbolize many of the traits that are inherent to Ernie Macmillan. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. ", "He was careful not to use the talking Patronus means of communication with [either Death Eaters or Order of the Phoenix members]," she added. We've compiled every patronus in the series. Kingsley Shacklebolt is one of the most valued members of the Order of the Phoenix. Ginny's Patronus is never described in the books, but we see her successfully produce a Patronus in the shape of a horse in the "Order of the Phoenix" film. Umbridge on the other hand purely just favors the animal, as shown through her extensive feline plate collection. You know your Harry Potter house—both Hogwarts and Ilvermorny.You’ve chosen your wand. The two both produced a Patronus of a Doe, which eventually leads Harry to discover the sword of Gryffindor. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. Dumbledore plays the role of the wise sage for much of the series. One can assume, however, that Newt has mastered the charm — otherwise the shape it takes wouldn't need to be a secret. Fans have also noted that Hermione's Patronus may have been hinting at her feelings for Ron. And frankly, there's no way that Mad-Eye Moody would have … Rone has remained Harry's best friend from day one. He holds a sense of otherworldly knowledge absent from most other characters. Audiences were introduced to Ernie's Patronus at the Battle of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Through all of her interactions with other characters, particularly her romantic ones in The Half-Blood Prince, Ginny was always in control and would never be tied down. Severus Snape's Patronus was also a doe, which symbolized his love for Lily. Neville struggled incredibly to conjure a Patronus charm that when he finally did it held no discernable shape (much like Harry in his early lessons with Lupin). Thanks to his understanding of the Patronus Charm, Harry was able to teach Dumbledore's Army how to conjure their own. This doubled pair shares a Patronus for purely coincidental reasons. It's among the most mysterious, revealing, and difficult types of magic to master, especially in its most powerful form. Dolores Umbridge and Professor McGonagall both share the same cat shaped Patronus. Here are all the shapes their Patronus charms take — plus Rowling's herself. Lily is never seen casting a Patronus in the "Harry Potter" books or films, but Rowling has noted her ability to produce a corporeal doe Patronus on multiple occasions. RELATED: Harry Potter: 12 Facts About The Hogwarts Castle The Movies Leave Out. Her Patronus likely got the most use during Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix – where she was helping to guard Hogwarts. Lily is never seen casting a Patronus in the "Harry Potter" books or films, but Rowling has noted her ability to produce a corporeal doe Patronus on multiple occasions. 9 Captain Picard: Eagle This is precisely what happened between Remus Lupin and Tonks. Extant, In May 1996, Luna Lovegood wore a hat that took the form of a lifelike eagle to … Snape's doe Patronus reveals his one true motivation throughout Harry's life: to protect the child of the woman he loved. As shown in The Deathly Hallows, Snape had fallen in love with Lilly Potter at a young age. Always needing to share his opinion, Ernie is stubborn and proud, often at his downfall. Because of his incredible characterization, it's a bit annoying that his Patronus is nothing more than a pun. The form that a Patronus chooses to take is often considered an incredibly individual choice, tied to the characteristics of that who conjured it. The first time readers learned of the concept of the Patronus was through Harry's experience with dementors. she sees much of herself in the young witch, Tonks' Patronus shape had changed permanently, 12 confounding 'Fantastic Beasts' and 'Harry Potter' questions J.K. Rowling has since explained about the Wizarding World. This Hufflepuff is one of the most outspoken students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As. Specifically, Ron's Patronus was a Jack Russell Terrier. The hare was far more fitting to her as an individual, but the change to a wolf clearly showed her deep, and occasionally unrequited, love for Remus. An interesting point on noncorporeal Patronus though is Lupin. Ginny had far greater characterization the novels, presenting her as a fiery and independent spirit. ", While Umbridge is an objectively hateful woman, she is also a skilled witch. Harry's Patronus was a stag, the same as his father. Ron's Patronus fulfills this role perfectly. This animal is often used in literature to symbolize many of the traits that are inherent to Ernie Macmillan. That being said, she held an essential role through the middle chapters of the franchise. In J.K. Rowling's growing arsenal of Wizarding World magic (including potions, spells, charms, and plenty of fantastic beasts), the Patronus charm remains a fan favorite. When learning alongside his classmates in Dumbledore's Army, Ron conjured his Patronus in the form of a dog. When Harry first sees his corporeal stag Patronus across the lake in "Prisoner of Azkaban," he thinks it looks like a horse. RELATED: Harry Potter: 20 Strangest Details About Remus Lupin’s Anatomy. Although the morality surrounding many of Snape's decisions are debated to this day, there is no denying that he cared deeply for Lilly Potter. The only snag in regards to conjuring a Patronus is their inherent difficulty. Audiences know that McGonagall is an Animagus, a being who can take the form of an animal, and takes the shape of a tabby cat. RELATED: Fantastic Beasts 2's Professor McGonagall Plot Hole Can't Be Fixed. When it appears before them, it takes the form of a Weasel. Who else deserves that honor than Hermione Granger herself? Extant [6], In May 1996, Luna Lovegood wore a hat that took the form of a lifelike eagle to … Talbott Winger could transform into an eagle as an Animagus. Here are the Patronus charms of all 22 characters known to have mastered the spell — plus. The Weasley twins conjured Patronus that took the shape of a Magpie, a small but loud crow-like bird.